Battlegrounds Duos AFK's and more hate list

Hi! Since many people goes afk or simply sell all their cards because you pick beast and he wanted it or whatever their reason we should make a beautiful list of their gametag here. So feel free to list them here and maybe one day Blizzard will look at it and check on them. And I think we need a warden too on battlegrounds. Sometimes I play vs a team that at turn 5 or 6 they already tier 3 or 4 with a full table on both players side wich is impossible.

That would be against the forum code of conduct and would be deleted


Why? Some are cheaters some are so losers. So then why can’t we play a game without them?

Against the rules to do so.


Its again the rules to cheat too and nothing is done so why can’t we tell thoses names? Anyway they’ll just have to delete it but they probably won’t since there’s bugs on HS for over a year that people talk about in the forums and still they ain’t fixed meaning they don’t even read us.

Yes, the forums is the place they tell people to report bugs. I believe they read some of the bug reports but probably not all of them. Many reports aren’t even bugs. Some of the actual bugs do get fixed more quickly than others. Not everything is the same level of priority.

I don’t think they read the other forums at all. They probably outsource what little forum moderation needs to be done

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It is actually forbidden to denounce others.

There are several players who have asked to be able to report their teammate (when he loses on purpose by selling all his servants and he does not leave the game ; remember that if he leaves the game, the rating is 0) .

There should also be a blacklist.

Some heroes can give spectacular results, but it is possible to report them in game when it is “impossible”.

you can add them to your friends list while still in hero selection phase. If they turn out to to be a Poor Sport and sabotage your game, if they accept the friend request you can eventually report them. Not an elegant solution but its all you got.

It’s an idea but they have to accept the friend request and it’s not guaranteed. :thinking:

I wonder if it would be possible to never play again with someone you friended and then blocked.

I have had three or so games in a row where teammates afk from round 1 and just simply don’t come back. They don’t leave either. How is this a solution?

If at the end, you have 0 penalties because you necessarily lost by being alone, it is because the people left or were disconnected.

If the person is present and does not play anything, I have no solutions.