Battlegrounds beasts frogger

I’m done with hearthstone until they nerf those frogs


The build is barely playable. It is VERY hard to get a top 4 with Leapers in this meta unless you get a bonkers mid game handing you everything you need.

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You’re clearly a garbage player then cause quilboar are the meta right now

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you’re clearly garbage because all it takes for those froggers to go off is 2 froggers and a titus. Quilboar is very dependent on certain cards.

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Lmao i havent lost to beast all weekend. What are you talking about champ

We got jeef and Shadybunny trash talking each other on their alts here


all weekend you say? interesting, I’ve learned a lot about you…

I’m new to the game of battelground and trying to learn combo’s as you make mention but can not find a minion with “titus”? I have the database of season 8 cards, what is “titus”?

Didn’t you just explain that beast are very dependant on getting frogs and titus ?

What’s your source? Because I get the sense they are easily 1st IF they are top 4, but they are easy to just die horribly if they don’t go top 4 (basically good at late rounds and low defense at early rounds).

I Agree. Frogs are strong. You only need Manasaber, frog, Maccaw with reborn and Titus. I always decide to playing frogs build in Beast game, because it’s only way to win.

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No idea why they decided to add back Leap Frogger and then nerf every other tribe except Beasts.

Yup, get this in a turn or two and there’s a really good chance you’ll beat players who have spent their last 5 or so turns scaling up their board. It’s just ridiculous.

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Im so glad we got rid of the infinite attack dragon build for this. I’m glad elementals will spend another season being the most “fair” (dogwater) tribe in the game. The way they took away mega-windfury from elementals as their only unique trait (from the old golden cyclone) is still unforgiveable tbh. Imagine thinking mega windfury is overpowered and not just a net neutral to counter cards like titus / bristlebach
Also #bringbacknightbane.

Replace thia design team. They sre on a hot streak of bs. Congrats. Lazy fks

Just for the record Elementals have the easiest way to make the single largest minions in the meta. You just have to plan it out.

As for the rest of this. Frogs took a huge nerf when they changed Macaw.

Nomi sticker and lava lamp still gets dunked on by quills, demons, and the prep time is equivalent imo.

Those of course help setup the build but you can leverage that a few turns later into some truly massive elementals. I will say that the demon trinkets need toned down a tad bit more early on. Either that or raise their cost or put limits on them per turn.

Nerf the felblood cards to lower tavern so the multiplicative gains are lowered.

Leapfrogger is all over the place in duos. If beasts are in the game at least two players go for it meaning 50% of all teams have it attempted to some degree. You either get 20 second turns after fighting it or wait a 200s turn if the other teams using it fight eachother, it’s pretty awful.

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