Battlegrounds are unplayable right now

I usually stream 3 times a week but I’ve been playing Battlegrounds lately so i just didnt bother this week. The release of quillboars this week has totally ruined any fun I was having.

Every game I am just putting along like everyone else and then at some point in the mid game you finally run into the Quillboar guy who got reasonably lucky and he has 3 times your total stats and thwacks you for 20+ damage even though you hadnt lost yet. Crazy strong early, mid and late. Why???

ELementals are busted, but beatable. With quillboars I cant even get going. I have noticed the games are all much much shorter. I will get to tier 5 or 6 with Ele or whatever and die just as my comp is finally coming together just because these quillboar ramp outta control!

I have had games where I am feelign really strong, comp looks good and then you run into a guy who got a hold of a Bristleback brute reasonably early and you’re like

“Oh, sorry! I didnt realize I was supposed to go eff myself. I’ll just go do that.”


Quillboars are the worst thing to ever happen to the tenative balance of this p2w, highly sus RNG gamemode.

I despise this mode atm.

Shame on the dev team that put this out.

Battlegrounds feels like back when megasaur existed.

~Everyone would go for murlocs, and 1-3 players would succeed and the rest would get knocked out along the way (and one person would finish in the top 4 with some non-murloc build because ~no one was taking any of the cards they were after)

Same as now, only it’s Quillboars instead of murlocs.

Not sure if you are new to hearthstone or games in general but this is a general process when developers release a new mechanic. Often times its over or underwhelming and has to be tuned.

Try turning it around and try different mechanics to beat quill boars or take the time to learn more about their mechanics instead of just giving up?

If you are this sensitive to basic functions of games then yes I fully agree you need a break. Enjoy it and I hope you have a good week, I will be over here playing hearthstone if you need me.

With the terrible opponent picking in match, the overpowered broken Quillboars and the over-busted Elementals every game.
Battelgrounds is dead to me. It’s not fun and is just a incredibly rigged and one sided game descided after turn 3.

Battleground really could have been something great, but with the incompetant balancing team with obvious bias and the “so called” BG pros.

This mode is a joke and requires two things. 1. P2W and 2. Abusing Elementals or Quillboars.

These are facts and anyone who disagrees is either a schill or abusing 1 and 2.