Battlegrounds are actually fun with spells

After playing few days , spell are actually really fun. Would be nice to have more interactions with quests and anomalies.

That’s all.

This meta is so much better than any of the ones you mentioned.

Spells have added a really strong skill test and more decision making to the game.

It is highly likely that your frustration with the current format is based more on your inability to adapt to change than anything about the format.

Unlike buddies, quests, or anomalies, the current format has significant room for creative use of game mechanics, which rewards skill more than those other formats.

Many people are getting thumped by better players because the lower skilled meta elevated them above their true ability. If those players just play some more games they will drop back down to equally (un)skilled players.


Anomalies were pure trash - good riddance!

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Do you not know about the rank floors? I have been hard stuck between 4500 and 4600 pretty much all season since the reset. I cannot tank my rank any lower and I am consistently paired up to players well beyond 6k MMR (I know this from adding them post match to compare our current ranks). I used to be able to reach 6k back when the mode was enjoyable like with anomalies (some of them) and buddies (my personal favorite version we’ve had).

I have gotten a top 4 maybe 10 times this whole season. Not the first 1st place the entire time. Best Ive gotten is 3rd early today. Almost every game is over by turn 9-12. The highroll speedrunning of players able to both reach tier 6, fill out their boards, and scale their boards into the 100/100s is insanity and makes no sense at all when I can barely get my board to scale into double digits if Im even lucky enough to have a full board and even luckier to have them all the same tribe.

Spells are just the worst for some. ANd for the lucky, the best. Ive never been able to make any spells turn around my games or propel me ahead in any way. At best I get to find a minion of my tribe since the tavern wont provide any, so a 2 cost and a 4 cost spell…both of which i might find once in a whole game. Usually its just always the gain 3 gold now lose 2 gold next turn, or discover a deathrattle minion, random tier 1 minion, or gain 1 gold. Itd be really nice to encounter any of the ones that give me more gold now, or next turn, or the super duper rare one, increase my max gold by 1, (11+). It is oh so rare to encounter any spells worth getting at all. Its even worse on finding minions of any chosen tribe once a tribe is picked.

I’m not sure why you people got upset by my post, but I stand by my assertion that the same team of morons who boinked standard brought their same bad design to battlegrounds.

Highroll or die is what they think everyone wants and here we are. You win by turn 10 or you’re done.

If you want to come to the clown fiesta, you’ll need to put on the nose and maybe the wig.

The solution is to not care.

You have to skip your bad games. Then you have no bad games to feel bad about and you can enjoy the good games.

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I do!

Do you know that you are not matched by the ranking that you see?

Because you have not played enough games to tank your internal ranking, the system is still matching you to players that should be like you in skill.

Clearly others have adapted to the shifted meta faster than you have been able to do.

By the end of the season you will get bots and afk players again, which should help you find games more comparable to your skills in this meta.

Having read through many of your struggles, I am not surprised to learn you are having a mighty struggle with a more complex meta like this one. It very much is about you do not understand what to do, and your posts here very much affirm that assessment.

This is the strongest indication that you fundamentally do not understand how to play the game as it is currently.

Skillful and correct use of spells are very much the difference between winning and losing in most of my games. They open up a number of different ways to utilize the economy to your advantage.

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Trust me, they will. They rotate in something new every 2 months and make a major change every 4 with the new season. As the saying goes, “If you don’t like the weather, just wait 5 minutes.”

I wish I was Schyla so I could post gifs to mock your conspiracy theory.

I’m not a fan of the way fuglarg likes to make points that are essentially “you’re wrong about this, therefore you are stupid,” but Cramer is wrong about this.

That has never been representative of my position on these topics.

Being wrong is not what makes people stupid, but stupid is what leads to individuals being frequently wrong.

skill? in rigged game by algorithm? Right…

My friend, im going to have to spectate you playing BGs again. This surely cannot be the case. Even the “worst” spells are pretty good.
I think you’re focusing too much on minions and not incorporating spells into the mix.
They are broken and powerful. You can win a lobby by almost only using spells.

There’s a strategy that now every loser likes to try to do which is the land lubber strategy, snd by doing this, you can easily win a lobby.
The key to this strategy is first making sure that Demons, elementals, and pirates are in.
You need to find land lubber on 2 by turn 5, 6 at the latest or you should abandon the strategy.
Anyway you stay on 2, find land lubber, and preferably soul rewinder, and a couple crappy pirates or elementals. Then you buy all the gold spells that damage you, and strike oils.
You can afford to buy all sorts of cheap spells and buff up your otherwise useless minions.
Eventually you will have 30-40 gold per turn, and then you power level, pivot to what you want, and will have more gold than anyone else.
All because of spells my dude!


It’s Demons and (Elementals or Pirates). So 22% of lobbies.

It is possible to lub with just Elementals or Pirates, but without the free gold from Rewinded Excavations it is much more difficult. I think it’s probably correct to nerf lubbing, but the best way to do that is to hit Excavation, which is the main problem card.

Best Season.
Spells are the touch of depth the mode was missing, not the quests or buddies, that make games very linear…


I must be magic if I consistently beat this alleged algorithm. In fact, I have yet to see any evidence of it.

I took first place yesterday playing beasts despite not seeing even a single banana man.

I understand that it seems unfun when you do not understand it.

This is an admission that you need to be told exactly what and how to play inorder to be successful in the game mode.

I think this is the part that many people are struggling with and is causing their delays in return to expected ranking.

There are decisions to be made with spells, and not making the correct ones is having consequences.

I very much concur. It is the right kind of layer that adds options rather than flatly points to “do this to win” and that is causing frustration with people.

I love it.

I am sure you were most eloquent in your rebuttal and I am saddened to have lost the chance to peruse your musings.

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I rarely can find land lubber in the first 6 or 7 combats it seems as Ive been trying for what you laid out. Demons has been in 1 out of the last 10 or 12 matches, i lost count of the total but I know its only happened once. I didnt find the one needed to undo self damage. at all. Im not certain Ive even seen the spell called strike oil. what does that do? (i dont know hardly any minion by name much less any spell, just what they do). Best econ Ive been able to manage so far has been to get myself to 12 gold the following turn. I havent gotten above 7th place in the last 12 matches either, its seriously the most infuriating thing to see others with minions 4 to 5 times in stats to mine. I can barely reach any minions to get above double digits let alone the crazy ramping the others are pulling off…mostly because I dont have the choices of anyone with stat boosting hero powers hardly ever… i normally get crap choices like murloc holmes or bigglesworth… and i normally just concede if those are my choices anyways. Try again for a match I MIGHT have a lil fun with if given a hero with an actual power.

But so far all the spell buying hasnt really benefited me much… im missing something but the moment I have a board of a tribe, I stop getting any more of that tribe, and to pivot would mean dropping my double digit minions for single digit ones…

It does not really work that way due to the rank caps. Your belief that mmr from a year ago, outweighs 100’s of games is misplaced.

Spells added an extra layer to the mode.

I would also be fine with them removing them.

The weakness of Battlegrounds was the deterministic nature of the first 5 turns.

Spells eliminate that. But so did Quests.

The MMR talk is kind of weird in that MMR really doesn’t mean what it did in the earlier days.

I think there are way more minions now, so the game is more about working with what is presented to you than finding a key minion.

For example, I’ve played a fair number of games and have not seen the Tier 6 pirate that buffs pirates each attack in the Tavern, any time I have had that minion it was a discover or triple reward.

Last season was not one year ago, it was just a few weeks ago.

You are not matched by your visible ranking, you are matched by an internal MMR.

You are still playing the same players when the ranks reset.

If you are losing, it is directly becuase you are not adapting as fast as the players around you.

I will disagree in that quests were the most deterministic the game has ever been. You got a good quest, you did it quickly, and you won. If you did not get a good quest or one you could complete quickly, you did not need to waste your time. It was the most binary the mode has ever been.

Anomalies was not much better for similar reasons.

This time things are very much flex, menagerie, economy, and really reward good fundamentals and creative thinking.

I think this is one of my only complaints about things right now - I would like them to pare down the minion pool a bit to smooth out the rng some. Even in balanced power (and the tribes are not well balanced) big minion pools increase the gap between highroll and low roll.

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