Battlegrounds aggression

Just had played 4 bgs in a row that was over too fast. Players using Devine shields to power to tier 6 and destroy the lobby

Their trinkets helped them massively too

The punishment for trying to play the game the way it should is ridiculous

The damage is over the top now.

The whole system with bgs is completely incompetence now from the devs

is called winning. It’s NOT what you’re doing.

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I’m on 6.5k

Looking at your posts you must be about 45 with no wife as you clearly have nothing else to do than sit on these forums

I’m fairly sure I’m not wrong

NGL that’s kinda impressive


In the early game try not to push for tiers as hard as you would from previous metas. It’s best to not go above 4 either asap. As for trinkets sometimes it’s best to just take one giving stats and try to shoot for a 3rd or 4th if you aren’t getting a game defining trinket.

As for DS it is ALWAYS advantageous to take DS early in a lobby. You can scale them fairly quick. If you aren’t getting offered them look for some big health early as that is your best alternative option. Really though take advantage of players tiering up early on turns 2-4 and just build a board. Then tier a turn or two slower and switch into something else after you get that first trinket.

I don’t know if you are using an addon but proper hero paired with the proper lobby is always something to look for. Do you have 2 or 4 choices of hero?

Illidan was right when he said I wasnt prepared…

I havent read something on the forums that made me audibly lol like that. quite literally, lol. Such a good 1-2 punch to my very core where I keep all my laughter. :laughing:

But back to the subject at hand. I can relate to the OP’s gripe on the game at the moment. While I dont have such a ridiculously high MMR that they do, (currently climbed to 4.7k this season) the game does seem to be very tilted in terms of which players get what trinkets… I seemingly always get to pick from the same 3 trinkets in both brackets with only the 4th option every being a variable one… and there are SOO many other trinkets ive seen others get that i have yet to be offered ever. they even removed some already “due to low amount of people picking them” as well as one i never even saw before being removed because of it being so good apparently. Im getting quite tired of being offered the same “first tavern spell casts twice” or “gain 3 gold, your maximum gold is increased by 3 gold” or “your first two tavern spells are free” or “spin the wheel of yogg” every single match for my lesser trinkets… occasionally I will get one of those to rotate out for something else, usually the one that lets me defer having a lesser trinket and in two turns trade it for a greater trinket… but thats pretty much all my matches… I dont get offered anything remotely like what i see others picking for their first ones…

“PLay the game the way it should”: If you mean “figuring out by yourself” and “adapting to the game” and “try to outwit you opponents” then yes, the game is not beeing played the way it should.

Here are a few tips:

1-Pay to win : buy the 20$ season pass to get a choice of 4 champs instead of 2… because champs really do the diff (and in this fashion encourage Blizzard in implementing more of these awefull pay to win ideas).
2-If after your champ select you didn’t get one of the best/meta champ and at first trinket you haven’t seen an obvious meta combo offered to you, just quit. Dont try to strategies or adapt your way into this game…
3-Don’t try to learn or adapt, just go read what are the best champs + trinkets + combos on reddit and go for that. No need to want to develop your intelligence. Anyways, in 6 months, people will play with an AI assitant to tell them what to do.

Human intelligence is going down the drain. We are soon to be monkey just pressing buttons to get bananas, just the dopamine reward, none of the effort.

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Jokes aside though…

↑ this right here is always wrong.

When a game rewards the player, that’s the design telling the player what they should do. When a game punishes the player, that’s the design telling the player what they shouldn’t do. It is a valid complaint to say that what the game is telling you that you should do isn’t fun. But it’s always meaningless gibberish to say that a game punishes you for playing it the way it should be played. “The way it should be played” is not up to the player, the game TELLS you how it should be played.

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