Battlegrounds …

I think one could make an AI vulnerable to such things.

Just stop playing the game . . . it’s a horrible game lol. Everything else is just window dressing. LOL

My enjoyment of BGs significantly dropped every since you couldn’t tank your MMR past a certain point. Rating too, obviously, but when the game decides that just because I happened to get top 3 or 4 a few too many times in a row, I’m thrown in with the lot who are so hyper-obsesses that they use third party tools to caculate every possible thing, from hero advantage to quest likelihood to tracking ‘1/2/3 players likely have X/Y/Z minions’ and calculating a rough estimate of their board’s overall strength compared to yours based on who they won and lost to, etc, etc, etc. Then I get back to “normal” games for another small stretch until it repeats the cycle.

Oh, and the sheer bloody quest disparity! Oh god, so games where my rewards are ‘after your minions attack, they die’, 'after you play a minion, give all minions of that type +1/+1 (almost ASSUREDLY not in lobbies with tribe synergy of spamming minions, I personally have yet to see anyone with that quest in any of my games where elementals are in), and ‘at the start of your turn, get two ‘whatever the item is called’ that transform a minion into a random one that’s one tier higher’.

Meanwhile, there are people getting deathrattles and battlecries getting an additional hit, khadgar’s wisdom ball, and ‘at the start of your turn, add 2 ‘X’ tribe minions to your hand’.

I have seen games where the quests must have been INSULTINGLY garbage because when 6 players instantly concede on the turn they’re offered, there’s a frigging problem!

I cannot wait for quests to get the hell out and I hope the door hits them on the way out (and whoever at Blizzard is responsible for this fecal show, too, because they couldn’t balance their way out of the flat plains of Saskatchewan if their life depended on it).

This is much stronger than most quests that you consider “good.” It emphatically does NOT require synergy.

Really, the only quest that’s worth complaining about is the die after attacking one; that one is indeed bs.

how is tanking mmr fun… its boring asf

As someone whose ceiling doubles as the floor in terms of MMR, it is indeed a terrible conundrum to go from having enjoyable, engaging, close and unpredictable games that can last until turn 30+… to suddenly being in games where by turn 12 almost all but 3 players are left, everyone but you has tier 6 by turn 10 and have completed their quests by turn 8, and the moment you dont tie or win a match, you take fatal damage from full health and armor. It is very much the fault of making no additional brackets above MMR 6000 allowing everyone with ungodly high MMR 10k+ to play with people that barely qualify for 6000 MMR. I know the phrase of “get gud” is surely to follow but consider for a moment, that this player has gotten “gud” by increasing from an average of 3k MMR just a year ago to 6k MMR currently. I dont know where you come from but in most metrics doing 200% better than your previous ability in just a year ago is a big improvement, whether it is sales, weightlifting, racing times, hot dog eating contests, zombie kills, Legit non hacked Pokedexes filled, etc, is seen as a very good thing, very applaudable, very much the idea of “getting gud”. It is however unfortunate that many suffer from a bias where their own normal can’t recognize this if that 200% improvement doesnt meet to exceed their own levels of MMR.

erm mr dark lord are you replying to me?

Cramer just seems to go on rants about how he hates losing in video games.

More along the lines of being unfairly branded a loser?


The fact that this thread is still active is a testament to the popularity of Battlegrounds.

I actually completed the BG event rewards for all 9 of my collections, and I very much enjoyed the quest meta.

For my OP point #1 reason , I am never more than a casual BG player with long breaks of not doing BGs all.

Whenever something does pull me into playing some BGs, I start throwing together a crude list of heroes that I enjoy trying to make work.

For most heroes, I have no idea if they belong in the top tiers or not, or if I am overlooking some decent heroes (and the reason why there are worth choosing).

Here is my current list of Heroes that I will pick, and I wonder what other heroes should be on the list:

Sire Denathrius
E.T.C., Band Manager
Rock Master Voone
George the Fallen
Master Nguyen
Tess Greymane
Fungalmancer Flurgl
Dancin’ Deryl
Scabbs Cutterbutter
Zephyr the Great
Shudderwock (murlocs)
Cookie the Cook (Murlocs)
Trade Prince Gallywix
Sir Finley Mrrgglton
The Curator
Lich Baz’hial
Forest Warden Omu
Murdock Holmes
Ambassador Faelin
Varden Dawngrasp
The Lich King
Lord Barov
Dinotamer Bran (murlocs)
Teron Gorefiend

It was an unspoken trick of the matter so a lot of us could just get so low that it didn’t disrupt serious games and we just played the most stupid, silly, FUN builds and there were even a couple games that hit the round limit and whoever happened to have the most health was automatically the winner. Maybe they extended the max rounds in a game since then, I don’t know because there isn’t a single game that goes that far nowadays.

I do hate it, despite how much I try to get better, its never enough. Mario 1 will always be my nemesis and a symbol of how much others take for granted functional short term memory. When you can’t recall how you died just a few moments ago in order to avoid that way of dying again, then you’ll be on the same level of difficulty as I am.

:notes:Im a loser baby, so why dont you kill me?:notes:

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They’ve broken people so much that they’re arguing for “Less P2W” instead of “No P2W”.

I quit the day they added a pricetag to Battlegrounds and won’t return unless they remove it.

That isn’t going to happen.

You seem to expect a top shelf game for free.

It’s still a capitalist world.

How are they supposed to pay the bills?

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You could always do what the scumbags and cheaters do, and intentionally disconnect during combat, in order to have a longer tavern phase.

Yes, the company thats still swimming in cash from the billions they scammed out of people with diablo immortal is the same company thats struggling to pay their rent.

Smol indi gam compony, plz undrstnd.

Someone doesnt understand how a company requires a reliable and constant flow of income and cannot survive off of one large influx of income during one quarter. Do you Survive well off of your once a year event where money is the appropriate gift? Or do you also have a job to make a regular living? Do you take both? OH NO its a greedy corporate shill! Better alert the Bobafetts.

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At first, you just do some mental math. 24K a year provide, for say, 10 years, that’s $240,000 dollars, plus 360 plus 137: $737,000. That’s what you need.

Then some uptight suit offers you a $3 million, three month deal and you want to say no, but you’re reminded that a man provides so you accept.

And then at some point you have so much money that you could literally swim in benjamins if you really wanted, but is that really what you want anymore? What business are you in? The empire business.

If a large influx of income in one quarter is equal to 100 times your average yearly income as a company then, yes, yes you can survive off that.

I’m covered in dust from taking apart a machine right now so I don’t remember, but I swear this is a reference.