Battleground Recurring Nightmare

I have been in multiple battlegrounds now where the opponent had a recurring nightmare card. However it caused so many deathrattles during the match that when the match ended and we went to the shop the timer was over and the next battle was starting. This gave us no way to spend our gold in the tavern and try and upgrade our team.


This is a really annoying problem, dev team the deathrattle animation for reccuring nightmare is much too long, if the intent is for us to enjoy the battles, this is counter productive since it forces us to disconnect and restart the game for each battle otherwise we skip most if not all of our buy phase.


Same here especially bad on an android phone

That’s not only because of the recurring nightmare, it happen when the attack phase take too long, mostly with beast or undead. It’s the second time i post about it and they do nothing :sweat_smile:

It is super annoying please fix it.