Battleground minions position


Today i played as Reno in Battleground.
After 3-4 turns my minions on my board started to show on the boards right side, when i had 7 minions the last one were offscreen.
It was almost impossible to place them as i wanted and my minions didnt attacked in the right order.
Sometimes my dead minions icons just came back, they looked like they are unharmed but they didnt attcked,got attacked.
I made 4 photos but looks like i cant upload here.
Pleas fix it, because its not fun to play like this.

Thank you for reading.

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Thank you.

Here are the photos i made

I got the same issue yesterday, playing as Daryl.

This is exactly a year old but it seems like they haven’t fixed it yet. I got the same bug a few minutes ago. I played a beast build as omu with macaw, goldrinn and hydra and since like turn 5 my minions were so bugged that I couldn’t move them to the position I wanted to. Lost it completely at the end lol