Battleground - heros Dinotamer Brann change suggestion

Brann BronzeBeard is a character from the hearthstone universe that I like. His cards are fun to play, but the battleground hero Dinotamer Brann, let’s face it, really weak compared to other heroes.

This is where I got the idea of ​​changing his hero power.

Currently: for 1 po -> refresh bob’s tavern with battlecry minions

Passive: When you buy a minion with battlecry, you gain 1 po

There are several ways to adjust this so that it is balanced. Add the line “once per turn” or" … “in this turn only
It’s a new mechanic for the heroes, and which remains faithful to the original but with the style of brann who is a treasure hunter so he gets a gold coin.

What do you think?