Is taunted Belcher and untaunted golden Bassgill on board, with taunted Belcher and untaunted Atrocity in hand, a “supplement”?
Feels like just a really good build. I guess you could call it a Supplement to a build just to scam on some big minions though.
im all for my ogres to finally be a tribe
I don’t consider that menagerie in any real sense.
Exploiting Rylak doesn’t suddenly make it “menagerie” in the real sense of what that typically meant.
Do I want to see something like lightfang be useful again? That would be fine, but the way the mode works right now it just can’t keep up with the insanity, and that’s an indictment of the design direction.
Making stupid stat meme comps as meta is not my jam.
Rylak isn’t all that good right now. Murk-eye is much better in this meta. It’s a minion that basically gets loaned out to QB in the same lobby to break them.
Must Menagerie builds utilize as many Amalgam minions as it can and this season has the most we have ever seen. Being able to slip in venomous is quite easy and getting a copy of Tide Oracle (The ultimate Scam minion) is much easier. I have ran comps where i just scam out the lobby with the Oracle using a forager.
Lightfang is a far better minion when you get it off a trinket as it buffs itself and becomes much more flexible. As a stand alone in the tavern it is 100% not worth ever taking.
I agree about just all stat comps but they have their place in the game. I just would prefer a few trinket combos weren’t allowed. They scale your board a few turns before they should be that big and hand out 15’s to players who were unlucky in trinket combos. Other than that i think the new season is good. Better than Buddies with the removal of Nightbane.
My main concern as well. The mode is straight up garbo right now, and the game as a whole feels like it’s circling the drain. It feels like every mode needs a good, deep cleaning.
It needs to be redesigned as Lightfang Enforce-arr. Switch that claymore out for a scimitar, give them an eye patch, call it a day.
After that upgrade give it some more stat boosts. It’s currently not scaling anywhere near most other builds.