Battleground Damage Cap

Since the update I played a good amount of Battleground games and I was really hoping the damage cap would help but it simply doesn’t.
In the midgame where damage goes above 15 one player is already dead or left most of the time.
Just for example I just had a nice and fun game, my board was getting better, I got some good cards and had the potential to get first place. The two last fights I got a win and a tie, I was above 50% HP (22) but then I got matched up against someone who delt 24 damage to be out of nowhere… dead. Nice game.
PS: And while I’m writing this, again, turn 10, 20 damage, exactly dead… game over.

I think this mode needs a different way to reduce the damage taken per fight.

Maybe a damage cap based on the own tavern tier instead of living players.
Tier 1-2: 10 Damage
Tier 3-4: 15 Damage
Tier 5: 20 Damage
Tier 6: Infinite
(the numbers are just examples)

I hope Blizzard will give this another workover, because right now not just a few games end with a bang that takes away a lot of the fun.


Wrong forums. According to Blizzard, Baytlegrounds is separate from ‘Hearthstone’.

show me the forum then.

That’s a cool idea; it works very elegantly

The damage cap is completely useless, in my experience so far. In my opinion what Battlegrounds needs is to halve the level of all minions before calculating damage. This would naturally reduce the maximum damage from 48 to 27.

The problem with such a damage reduction is, taht people would just rush level 6.
The solution has to prevent this.

it looks like maybe they had planned individual damage caps at one point due to shields showing next to each hero

why is it a global damage cap ? soon as one player dies its gone ? each player should have their own 15 damage buffer to protect them a little from a godroll build that comes from nowhere!

blah how it works now it does nothing !! it might aswell not be there when the bottom player takes 6, 8, 12 then 14 and player dead shield disabled before anyone has even made a build from how I understand it ?

I honestly kind of wish the damage cap stayed at around 10 the whole match, or just simply make it so ya take damage based on your tavern level + the number of minions you have. In theory with bad luck you could still lose after 3 loses so wouldn’t slow things down that much. Its just really annoying when its still early game and youre a bit behind then you, as the person in last get paired up aganist the guy in first who has just all the luck and ya get b**ch slapped into the shadow realm and ya didn’t really get a chance to play.

Cap cap lets people level faster and once they reach tier 5-6, they can do 20+.

The damage calculations are problematic, period. Adding the cap to it doesn’t fix it. Chiefly, minions doing damage equal to their tier runs counter to players picking the best combination of minions. Also it makes little sense that your tier, at most, counts as much as a single minion.

To me, it seems lame that some builds can win and just do poke damage (mech, quillboar), while others do deathblow amounts over 20 (pirates, dragons).

How about no damage cap but instead you deal damage equal to your tier, plus half of your minion tier total rounded up.

So if someone did 20 damage now at tier 6, they would now do 13 (6+ half of 14). 13 is plenty and across the game this will probably add 1.5 rounds to the play. A huge hit of 30 would be reduced to 18.

As someone said before, the whole damage cap thing seems like a bandaid to a much bigger problem in this mode, which is god rolls. Sure, you survive from the enemy who completely smashed you, but how are you gonna catch up with them without dying?