Battleground combat takes too long (extra relevant in duos)

Battleground combats will often take too long (mostly relevant in undead+beasts)

The main problem in a way is a lot of people don’t seem to know that you can restart to refreshen tavern phase, however I am not 100% sure as I have play basically close to 0 on mobile so it might be some other reason like game taking too long to start to be relevant anyway.

My point is this is giving an unfair advantage to people who know about this, I have been playing duos recently and practically close to 0 people know that you need to restart client or you get completely screwed over by tavern time being less than half the time it should be. You can’t seriously expect people to do good plays in less than half the time they should have been alloted.

This is ridiculous, I don’t really blame the devs so please don’t take personal offense. But this is ruining the gameplay in my opinion (and possible other people who knows).

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

No, the ONLY problem is that too many people are doing this:

We absolutely SHOULD blame the devs. It is entirely their fault. They literally have known about this since BG’s were implemented. It’s been THAT long, and they haven’t fixed it.

Whether it’s hard to fix or not, is irrelevant. They refuse to fix it. It’s THEIR fault. Blame the devs.

Additionally, what you’re telling people to do, is actually an exploit and could potentially get YOU banned because you’re abusing unintended game mechanics to work around the DEV’S buggy-butt coding.

Blame the devs, 100%.

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I’ve made a post about this before. In Duos there are 2 combats per turn so it can get ridiculously long. The problem is also not only do you have to disconnect every turn to have time, but your teammate does as well.

I have had many games where I would disconnect and still get a full turn but my teammate doesn’t and as a result only has 10-20 seconds left for their turn, thus panicking and levelling which causes us to instantly lose.

I have just stopped playing Duos at this point because of this reason. Putting leapfrog back in the game, that one pirate that gives your other pirates deathrattle and the fish of nzoth trinkets is single handedly killing Duos from being a serious game mode. The animations are just too long when you have two combats per turn and only marginally more time in the shop phase than regular Battlgrounds.