Battleground bugs

I noticed a bug in battleground, you can’t sell minions if your board is full.
Also I don’t know if it is a bug or a rule, but you can’t summon magnetic minions if your board is full too.
Thanks in advance for looking into this matter.

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I just played a few games and I sold minions multiple times when my board was full. Just drag them from the board to the innkeeper.
If you tried to sell them directly from hand, then you are right. That is not possible. You have to put them on the board first.

Playing a magnetic minion requires a free space, both in the normal game and in Battelgrounds. The minion is first played as a minion, then transforms into a buff as part of being played. But because it is played as a minion first, it needs a free space on the board.

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thank you for the quick answer.

But it’s really irritating that you can’t sell directly from hand :confused:

Yes. And probably intended to be. I noticed when playing myself that the game is all about making choices. Which of these seven minions that I actually want to keep should I sell instead so that I can free up a board space to make new plays, sell stuff, activate battlecries, etc etc.
Selling from hand would make some of those choices easier. I don’t think Blizzard wanted to do that. :wink:

this is absolutely a bug… I had to sell my useful minion in order to sell useless ones… please correct this blizzard

It is not a bug, this is the way it works, period. Though they do have plans to change it. You will have to wait until the new year, though:

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I have an issue/bug with connecting to battlegrounds. Sometimes (luckily not very often) when I start a game of battlegrounds it says your opponent could not connect and throws me out and closes Hearthstone after clicking OK. Then the Battle Net app shows button ‘Playing now’ and it won’t change to ‘Play’. I have tried stopping all applications and then from the task manager and restarting apps but only thing that helps is rebooting the computer. Others having this kind of issues or am I the only one?

I’ve won the combat and the battleground was over with 2(!) place. The battle between 2 standing characters was missing…
Screenshot: Battle won, health left, second place…
ibb [point] co [slash] GdMwsWX