Battle of the frozen coast

How many of you have completed this on heroic?

I made this post for people who may have some problems with it, so we can share decks with them.


Leauge of E.V.I.L chapter I:

Sir Finley: Clearing board with low cost minions, while having a buffed high minion do the face dmg seem to be working well, tried this twice.

Chenvaala: Having a big taunt minion taking the dmg while keeping it buffed or healed works well (especially for Priest), and keeping none taunt minions to clear the board.

Reno Jackson: Same as Chenvaala, but you take alot more split aoe dmg with Reno, keeping alot of big health minions combined with Taunt’s is working well from my experience.

League of Explorers: Coming soon.

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I’ve managed to beat all bosses except for krizziki as it is a pain dealing with that reborn hero power. Every other boss I’ve beaten with a mechathun deck, most retrys was finley due to murloc rng, il share the deck I used to beat majority of bosses

FK heroic

Class: Druid

Format: Wild

2x (0) Innervate

1x (1) Biology Project

1x (1) Depth Charge

2x (1) Naturalize

2x (2) Annoy-o-Tron

1x (2) Doomsayer

2x (3) Ferocious Howl

1x (3) Tar Creeper

1x (3) Wild Growth

2x (4) Bone Wraith

1x (4) Branching Paths

1x (4) Forest Guide

2x (4) Ironwood Golem

2x (4) Oaken Summons

2x (4) Poison Seeds

1x (4) Zul’Drak Ritualist

1x (6) Nourish

1x (6) Spreading Plague

1x (7) Winged Guardian

2x (8) Grizzled Guardian

1x (10) Mecha’thun


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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Nice to hear, Sadly I don’t have the full adventure, I’m on first chapter on reno now going for first try as Res Priest.

Ahhh reborn, yeah that’s pain easpecially if it’s a high card that summons more adds or aoe to your minions.

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Should be fine, reno is one of the more easyer ones as hes more prone to clear his own board or hurt him self, got him self killed before i could mechathun XD

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Yea got it first try he just did alot of dmg spam that really didn’t affect my minions much, I feel that of all 3 first bosses Sir Finley was the trickier ones.

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I cleared all of them except for Avalanchen with just a standard Galakrond Zoolock without much issues. For Avalanchen I just made a dragon handlock with Alexstrasza, all the cannot be targeted by hero powers dragons, and lots of board clears (rafaam’s scheme + plague of flames and mountain giant + shadowflame) and it worked great, just make sure you make him use his frost novas and blizzards before you play Alex (unless you have lethal on the board the same turn already). Here’s both decklists for reference.

2x Beaming Sidekick
2x Blazing Firemage
2x Flame Imp
2x Grim Rally
2x Voidwalker
2x Evil Genius
2x Knife Juggler
2x Scarab Egg
2x Dragonblight Cultist
2x Fiendish Rites
2x Veiled Worshipper
2x Faceless Corruptor
2x Shield of Galakrond
1x Kronx Dragonhoof
1x Galakrond the Wretched
2x Sea Giant

and the avalanchen deck

2x Plague of Flames
2x Faerie Dragon
2x Firetree Witchdoctor
2x Nether Breath
2x Mind Control Tech
2x Rafaam’s Scheme
2x Evasive Feywing
2x Shadow Flame
2x Twilight Drake
1x Leeroy Jenkins
2x Evasive Wyrm
2x Khartut Defender
2x Evasive Drakonid
2x Twisting Nether
1x Alexstrasza
2x Mountain Giant