The Slamma trinket is giving triple stats instead of the double it says. Screenshots of the bug here show, with a minor detail in the description, about how the tokens when summoned were at 35/35, then the Slamma trinket animation happened, and they jumped to 110/110 instead of 70/70.
So either its coded to be triple stats, or the tooltip should say triple.
The screenshots don’t do much to show the bug, but I just watched a game from XQN and he had a beast opponent in the late game, and the numbers are definitely off. It looks like Goldrinn’s deathrattle buffs are being applied twice. The numbers were confusing me at first, but I’m pretty sure the minions are being summoned with Goldrinn buffs, doubled by Slamma Sticker, then having the Goldrinn buffs reapplied
If you jump to 20:15, there is a reborn Goldrinn. The video says “New Patch” and was posted 7 hours ago, but Goldrinn is still giving +4/+4 in the video
Anyway, reborn Goldrinn comes back as a 4/1, buffed by its own deathrattle to 8/5, doubled by Slamma Sticker to 16/10, then rebuffed again to 20/14. McCaw then triggers Goldrinn’s deathrattle again, and the reborn Goldrinn dies, so all beast should have +12/+12
Next, Manasaber summons two 12/13 Cublings that are buffed by the Slamma Sticker to 36/38. This math only makes sense if the original 0/1 Cublins are being buffed by Goldrinn deathrattle before the doubling as well as after. 12/13 doubled is 24/26, Tripled would be 36/39.
The Manasaber itself is also reborn. It’s hard to see through the animations, but I believe the 4/1 gets buffed to 16/13, doubled to 32/26, then getting rebuffed for it’s final stats to show 44/38
EDIT: Apparently this is just one of the aura buff things that apply over top of themselves, so not a bug, just very strange if you aren’t aware of the interaction
It’s the usual interaction between “set stats” effects and auras but the bug could be that they actually used a set stats effect for the trinket instead of a simple buff, which would not cause this behavior