Ban Legendaries in Arena

I am tired of losing to Legendaries such as Silas, The Lurker Below, Primes. They are one of the reasons why Skill does not matter in the game. The amount of luck this arena is such crap.

Silas can easily be played around by positioning your minions properly and alot of the legendaries are not even good in arena, furthermore arena is the least luck-depended mode in hearthstone (There is still some luck to it but nothing compared to constructed) and the fact is that good arena players are able to get consistently high average wins. I suspect the issue is with your in-game decision and drafting process I suggest watching pro arena streamers to get a better understanding on how to improve on arena.

Well if you play two minions, and have your minions silas, you can’t play around that. And this has nothing to do with my skill. Legendaries make a difference in arena is my point. I have gotten 12 wins about 14 times. I average around 4.7. So you’re wrong.