Ban BG duo throwers

It’s not funny or cool and they should be banned from the mode. There needs to be a way to report on mobile.

Just had a game where my duo partner sold all their minions and emoted while doing nothing for the next few turns until we lost.

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Did you by any chance try to aggressively micromanage their game play before they rage sold their minions?

In my experience, it is usually the opposite: not doing what they demand of you.

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I did not, no. I was trying to work with them and then they randomly rage quit. I didn’t do any requests or managing except for a single (?) on something in my shop to see if they wanted it.

I’m genuinely puzzled as to why they decided to throw. We were doing well, had good boards, and scaling set up. There was like a single request of theirs that I ignored (it was turn 5 or 6 and I needed to grab something else). Maybe that was it?

Happened to me many times

They are either trolls or they know someone on the other team and sabotage you

I generally leave if we get blown up for 15 and their boards are monster and I know we cant catch up. Who wants to stay around and lose?

I’ve gone and got second in those situations. Rather not lose MMR.

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If I think there is a chance then I stay, but if my tribe are at a average of 20/20 and I’m still trying to build and I run into another team that has 50/50’s . . . there is no winning that. Frankly if I see another team that has all the QB and dragon pieces and they are stating . . . you’re not beating that. Why stay.

I have evidence of this happening to me with screenshots of them selling their board. How do i report someone like this ? I don’t see it in the UI nor to i see an ability to make a support ticket. I have all the screenshots on me. the user was named Rukio. I can send my user name to a blizzard admin if they wish to inspect the logs of the game to verify.

I think this is more often the case. People running 3 man parties to burn one of the other teams. If this was actually caught the people should be banned from both parties. BLizz would know if they share a friendlist with the other team they are sabotaging for.

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I noticed some of you say you dont stay if you cant win, and thats fair. But just leave then, and let your partner leave after. The game is just for fun so I understand that some players dont want to stay if they dont have fun, but incase partner find climbing in rating fun, just dont ruin the fun for them :sweat_smile: I only had 2 bad experiences myself in duo, but I just played until 7k rating. 1 of the “bad” experiences was a guy that sold off his board them same round my mech build got online :rofl: he was mad I didnt wanna play pirates, he kept sending me pirates cause I had some on my board :sweat_smile:after he sold his board we won 2 fights ,then ended on 4th I think :rofl: so was just funny​:crazy_face: the other experience with a partner who sold his board ended up with my partner getting the trinket that copy my board, and we got 2nd I think :rofl: I dont know if he knew he would be offered that trinket, but he didnt pass me anything,and did some self dmg with demons before selling them so I guess not :rofl:

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i just leave the lost games once they start throwing, sure i lose points, but since the points are worthless, it doesnt really matter

these others dont they stay so you loose max points

Not really concerned about my MMR in Duo’s. If you are about leveling your MMR than I would suggest staying in normal BG’s mode rather than duo’s. Besides the MMR you see isn’t the one you’re measured by.

You CAN take duos seriously for ranking (not MMR (that’s another thing)), but you have to play with friends or online-friends. That’s true for all team games on the internet by the way.

I only play with randoms, and only play for fun, getting rating up is easy if thats what you are after, and I dont see many throwers above 6500 rating, maybe at start of season :rofl: always play for fun or money, why else spend your time on anything :sweat_smile::blush:

You never heard of people having fun with friends?

Oh sorry, I would love to play with friends, and would find that way more fun :star_struck::grin: so the part with me only playing with randoms was just a fact about me :crazy_face:

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Completely agree, play with someone you know and that you can strategize with you’ll go much further than leveling solo.

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