BALANCE WILD! This is beyond lazy!

That’s the thing. You keep fighting the insurmountable. You keep picking paper against scissors. You can’t win when the opponent’s win condition is played.

I gave you the same mirror because you claim it to be so consistent and that it locks the enemy out. If you can’t win or at least try with the most overpowered deck you claim, then you’ve got no chance.

So, you dont have the lists i requested then? Why didnt you just say so from the start? Would have saved a whole love of debating.

I am after a counter for the combo, the mirror is not a counter. That is a fact. You claimed to have lists, and now refuse to provide them. Yet again, not being constructive to the discussion. So, either provide the lists you said you have, or stop trolling.

You can’t even try the first list per instructions. Suit yourself.

There’s no winning against hard-headed stupidity, apparently. Knock yourself out bashing your head against your imaginary opponent.

I asked for counters to hour locks combo, not a list for the deck. You claimed to have them. You either do or you don’t, which is it?

You can’t follow my instructions so you’re on your own. If lists are all you want, there’s google for that.

Provide the lists that can consistently counter hourlocks combo or shut up. You claimed to have them, now prove it. Yet again youre not being constructive, you are trolling!

You cant provide a list that can counter the combo as consistently as it happens. If you could you would do so. All you have is the mirror, which isnt a counter to the combo, it is the bloody combo!

I’d have shown you but you can’t even do the first thing I require.
Beggars can’t be choosers.

Also, I made no mention of countering the combo. You’re drawing assumptions out of thin air.

You prove it. I am not playing the deck, I dont want to play the decvk. I want a counter to its combo which is consistent as the combo is. That is what I asked for, that is what you claimed you had, so prove it. You are not providing it hence not being constructive to the discussion and reported for trolling.

I made no claim of countering the combo. You’re drawing assumptions out of thin air.

You did.

Very first sentence. Now man up.

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So where’s the claim of countering the combo?

Don’t embarrass yourself any further.

Maybe the comment it was in response to? being:

You dont have a leg to stand on. You made a claim, and are unable to prove it. Its you embarrassing themself.

Says the guy pulling things out of thin air.

All I said was I can post lists.

Its all above buddy. Dont lie, you made the claim and are too cowardly to admit you are wrong. This:

Followed by this:

Yep, you made the claim. You are one of the worst trolls in the history of these forums, and Ive seen some bad ones.


And you’re an expert troll?:rofl: Pulling things out of thin air? Sounds about right.

Where’s the claim I made about countering the deck then?

I didnt pull anything out of the air, its all in black and white. Its in the reply, i asked for decks to counter the combo, you said you could post them but i would want a manual. You cant provide those lists, hence are a lying troll and a bad troll at that.

Did I say anything about countering the combo? About winning a lost game? You need a miracle just to keep up a conversation, let alone win a game.

Then why would you include that first sentence in reply to my request? It has no relevance if it cant do what I asked from it, does it?

No point in continuing if you cannot even do the first thing I require.

And I have played the deck, I dislike the deck, I now am looking for one that meets the criteria you claimed you have lists for that is not the combo itself.So either start being constructive, or stop already.