BALANCE WILD! This is beyond lazy!

You heard it once, you heard it ten thousand times and apparantly Blizzard needs to hear it x-thousand times more: BALANCE WILD!
Of all the wild games (PLAY MODE! NOT EVEN RANKED!) I played today (6) I only encountered 2 decks: Hourlock and Big Priest.

This is not normal, I’m beyond shocked. Someone posted that Barnes is supposedly on their Watch-List - so what are they waiting for here?! Another 2 years of Big Priest? Maybe more? And maybe 2 years of Darkest Hour on top?
I felt so foolish for keeping my wild collection right now. Even if Wild Mode is supposed to be for “crazy stuff”, what is so crazy about thousands of cards if only 2 archetypes see regular play?!

At this point I’m only really waiting for the PvE Mode anymore. Before the expansion I planned on buying the mode with real money and get more cardpacks to play - so happy I can still change my mind now and save up gold. This game is so not worth investing anymore money into. Big Priest was already an issue last year and the year before that. The devs are collecting data? What a joke. At this point, with this much support, nerfing Barnes does almost nothing anymore, it’s the whole resurrection mechanic that is flawed. I wouldn’t surprise me if Hourlock continues untill fall this year before anything will be done about it.

Edit: Played 2 more … both of them Hourlock.
Edit2: 3 more (1 Pirate Warrior - finally something different!?/ 1 Hourlock/ 1 Big Priest) How can people even be this lazy? D-:


Wild is meant to be broken :slight_smile:
forcing you to come play standard and maybe buy some packs

it’s great business move from blizzard


Why in the heck would anyone balance wild? A balanced wild is called standard.


So just 2 decks seeing play constantly is a healthy state for a game? Let me guess, you play both of them?


They’ve balanced decks in the past that got seriously out of hand:
Deathstar Druid
and arguably Even Shaman.

So Wild does receive balance changes. The tolerance level should be higher than Standard but don’t act like it isn’t an option as it has happened already.

@OP I think Hourlock definitely gets the nerf bat and Graveyard mechanic in general should be revamped sometime so I think Big Priest will be unchanged for awhile.


Of course it will be nerfed! :smiley:
You basically see your opponent’s board filled with the biggest stuff on turn 4-5 - that’s just beyond any power level so far (and what made it possible? Recruit did … how could they have been so dumb with Darkest Hour?! Do they learn nothing?!!)

The question is WHEN can I finally play Wild again? D-: My biggest fear is that they’ll pretend to collect data for another 6 months while all you see are those 2 decks.


1.It isn’t in fact.

2.It is okay to call for balance at wild and those decks probably would use changes but you really think that fair changes would satisfy most players?

What most not like is the mana cheating aspect of the decks and any real balance change would not change that.

I’m would go with 3 moves here:

  1. barnes go from 4 mana to 5.
    2.Bloodbloom goes from 2 to 4 mana.
    3.Nerubian unraveler now makes spells cost 1 more mana instead of 2 more mana.

They would still cheat a ton of mana but would not create situations like have both y’sharj and big bad mage at turn 2.

Maybe people not understand but wild is where you go if you want to play “how you want”.

That means that unlike at standard there is no “forbidden strategy” that gonna see nerf only because it is frustrating to play against.

I know that this is what players love to say and it’s also what the devs love to promote about Wild BUT in reality this would only be a fair argument in a singleplayergame. In this game you play against other players and here’s a fact: A mode with hundreds of cards that mainly sees 2 decks being played is a mode that is not working the way it should.
There is zero counter to both of these decks, the only counters are you praying that your opponent draws badly and that’s just not right. Yeah, sure, people should test around with what they want, right? I call BS :stuck_out_tongue: No one playing there (aside from 2 players) invented these decks and now everyone else has to suffer through these matches every second or third match they play (in my case almost every match I played today).


Considering the fact that they have already announced Bloodbloom and Barnes as potential targets, as well as Archivist Elysana, I think they’ll nerf those three sooner rather than later. Elysana is on the radar because of mirror Warrior matchups.

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Dude this is the forum toxicity I’m trying to fight! Give Team 5 a break! They’re only a small, niche, indie company!!! They can’t possibly get any more people, updates, etc. on the team because they don’t have a lot of products! Stop complaining about this mode nobody cares about!!!

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Made my day, good sir ^^ Thanks.

Yeah I know - their list is a joke, seriously. Barnes is on that list for what? 2 years? It’s a no brainer that these highrolls are bad for a non-singleplayer game but they keep on ignoring it.

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the thing with wild i think is that there willl always be very strong decks that push out most homebrew fun decks.
If warlock and priest where gone it would be the next best mana cheater that is on top,and if not that The fastest combo deck. There is just so many cards to go with,something will always feel broken.
I wouldnt mind seeing a barnes nerf,the deck has been around for so long but the hourlock is kinda fun lol (i did craft it for wild but have not played it that much).
Bottom line i think is,if they start nerfing wild there would be no end to it.

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Barnes isn’t even the card that make big priest good, the amount of removal and healing is more often than not sufficient all the way to turn 6 where they get shadow essence which without barnes is guaranteed to summon something useful. Mine doesn’t include barnes it’s better in mirrors where the spellstone will summon maybe even 4 different useful minions if you managed to upgrade it and have them all on the board and die.


Im gonna disagree with the whole ‘‘got seriusly out of hand here’’.
Both Nagalock and deathstar decks had normal winrates and counters. Problem was that:
1)They were based on highroll
2)The community considered them unfun
And since both of these fit barnes priest why not nerf him?

As for shaman I dont think that he was nerfed for wild purposes. They have just plans for him in standard and FTT didnt stand well in them.

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i remember when they started getting too much negative feedback about star aline druid they just came out and said
“wait, isn’t wild suposed to be unbalanced?”
at least they asked for more feedback and they ended up nerfing it, but this pretty much explains their inactivity.

You are correct, I thought Deathstar Druid was a lot better but it was always behind Even Shaman in popularity and was 4th-ish in WR. So yeah I was way wrong on that.

Nagalock’s usage rate was pretty high during it’s time even if it’s winrate wasn’t crazy (not sure). It was a bad saturation point above r5 for awhile because of it’s highroll.

As for Big Priest… I don’t know why. I know the reason Team 5 stated but I think it was a tad odd based on how they’ve treated nerfs in the past.

Maybe… Even Shaman had just been so consistently the (or near) top deck in Wild that I feel like the nerf had some consideration, in the very least, for Wild as it seemed like a pretty cautionary nerf otherwise from what we’ve seen thus far in RoS (granted 1 more expansion they would have been working on, so still time.)

Perhaps they should un-nerf Cubelock, Odd Paladin and bring Genn/Baku back to Standard.

If Wild can have two dominating decks, why can’t Standard? Why are Standard players entitled to balance changes and Wild players are not?

I don’t understand why players think Standard is entitled to aLL tHe NeRFs but when theres a problem in Wild,

“Go play Standard!”

If I wanted to play Standard, I wouldn’t be here complaining about Wild!


maybe u need to build different decks…

I see a lot of variety, all equally annoying

Wait they’ve actually nerf stuff in wild? Thanks for the heads up, I will disenchant all my old cards and never touch wild in my life.

After reading Blizzard’s gamedesigner Dean Ayala’s answer, it actually makes sense why Wild receive WAY less balance than Standard.

Wild is currently a place where people can play their old decks, forever. If that’s truly the idea behind Wild then yes, disgusting decks like Big Priest, Mecha’thun Warlock/Druid, Mill Rogues shouldn’t be nerfed.

Wild is not about balance, it’s about playing your old nostalgia decks like C’thun, N’Zoth/Reno, Secret Paladin, Pirate/Patron Warrior. Even if the decks are broken and unfun to play against like Big Priest.

Blizzard should unnerf Yogg-Saron, Warsong Commander, Savage Roar, FWA, Execute, Flame Tongue Totem to keep it real with Wild.