Balance the buddies

For the love of Christ fix the f******g buddies in battlegrounds

The utter crap bosses are completely shown up because if buddies with their useless buddies

Then on top of that OP bosses having less cost for their buddy

Taking 15 damage on turn 5 is a regular thing

I’ve dished it and received it

The high rolling and destroying the lobby is even more apparent now

The token damage is ridiculous because of the death rattle buddies and tier 6 new cards

There are so many things broken

I’ve conceded by turn 7 so many times now because I know that the player is gona destroy the lobby and why waste 25 minutes

Activision literally put horse manure on a cake of diarrhoea

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Bruh. Box Cars is op. Roll a early tier 6 spell.

Buddies? what wins? they seems okay to me

A couple of the newer ones need a slight adjustment but it’s pretty good overall.

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Some of them need to be completely changed or the hero themselves removed from Duos.

I found a combo that needs to be addressed but I don’t think anyone has picked up on it yet. I’ve seen no Reddit post about it but I’m sure it’s coming. I don’t want to say the combo here because I don’t want anyone else to know :rofl:

Does it involve Thorium because that heroes Buddy is the only one i can truly say is broken right now? The worst part is that if it’s in the lobby and you have heroes that can steal it they will and the lobby becomes a mess of nothing but tier 7 minions in short order. At leas in solos that is the current situation.

Oh no it’s much more busted than that. I haven’t seen anyone using this combo yet but once it catches on or if some streamer starts using it, the hero is getting banned or the buddy changed. I can tell you in game.

To me, it wasn’t obvious at first. I thought “does the buddy work if I do this?” and sure enough it does. Let’s just say that some buddy designs were never meant to be passed to work with another hero power :wink:

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I haven’t touched duos in a while but i can only imagine. I expected Buddies to be untradable in that format but i guess they decided to just let it go. That feels like a reckless decision IMO.

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Yeah that seems like a serious oversight. They are just using players as the test subjects anyway, there’s no way they tested it.

Taking 15 dmg on turn 5 was normal before buddies, I get more people play BG now that buddies returned, but lets not pretend this wasnt the case with the highrolling BG revolves around.

No. Buddies have been obtainable by other heroes for years. Quests good example of this.

Or even Tess, Scabbs and now additionally Holmes, copying cards from others. This was why it was borderline pointless to play Nzoth and Curator vs Tess/Scabbs, as they get your power, and their own, for no cost for example.

Additionally we got ETC, whose power literally creates everyones buddies.

The problem is that many strong buddies are battlecries while battlecries activations exist.
So either the abusable buddies with battlecries (Finley, Kragg, Zephyrs, Nameless One etc) should be reworked to trigger when selling them or BC triggers should be removed while buddies are present.

Or perhaps “choose one” effects, for more flexibility? Would solve 2 issues with one fix
Since said effect cant be triggered by battlecry activations

I forget the heros name but its the one that swaps from giving attack to health every turn. and its buddy that gives half its whatever that turn is giving to the minion… is super abused onto itself so very fast. a minion thats over 100/100 by like turn 8 or 10… then you spread it around every round after… cant even live long enough to find a venomous minion or leeroy…