I thought the premade deck cards wouldn’t be nerfed? Having virtually no Druid cards, I purchased this deck.
Also, Renew at 1-mana can be problematic because it enables Wandmakers to generate it. Wandmakers can additionally be resurrected via Raise Dead. That’s a lot of Discover. Not to mention this card can be Discovered. But, no, I don’t see this making Priest a contender.
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Dust refund on renew or we riot!
Kidding. Wow I am so pleased with this set of changes. Garrote is now not just auto-death on turn 7ish, thank god. More or less the same for Mage too. Both can still burn you out the same way, but it takes more resources and time, which is a pretty big deal for burn kills.
Also I totally called it on Razormane getting a health nerf. Mana increases were commonly suggested but I don’t think something that harsh is really what was warranted; it’s too good at dominating board fights, so just reducing it’s durability against early trades/removal slightly should be enough while retaining its payoff.
Great changes! (still a little scared of warlock though)
tier 3 is broken decks are now…
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I have played against garrote rogue once. Can Rogue even lift? Out of 20 games I faced the class once yesterday.
That Mage nerf would’ve been fine, if it came with some buffs to defensive cards to actually make Big Mage playable. Such as Cone of Cold freezing the middle minion for 2 turns rather than 1 or Ice Barrier preventing damage on top of the armor gain. Just naming some random things, I didn’t put any thought in those ideas.
Battlecry would probably be a much harder nerf than the stat change. One of the big plays you can currently do with the deck is Oracle > Battleguard > 1-mana Greybough or Teacher’s Pet. Plus, you’d lose a lot of additional cost reductions against any deck that can’t kill the Battleguard behind a Taunt.
Well, it’s about time I suppose. Though I fail to see how -1 spell damage is really gunna make too much of an impact aside from 1 less card drawn from Cram Session.
They still have an infinite damage engine with Ignite and a ton of ways to cycle through their deck quickly and efficiently .
So you give MT Undercity players pretty much like 2 days to discover and prepare for the new Post Patch Meta? Thats very generous of you cough
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Interesting enough big Warrior is probably going to tier 1 and the meta will have to respond to It.
So it’s Just not as simple as say that mage will stop existing because the meta will be forced to slow down and new answer against big Warrior gonna appear.
Actually se can even reach to the point were slow Priest actually works again(but i doubt It Will).
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For the most part, I really like the changes.
If I was going to do that — and to be honest, I wouldn’t do that in the first place — I’d at least give Dawngrasp themselves Spell Damage +1. So +3 total while they’re out, +2 after they die. It would still be a net downgrade that would cause lots of Mages to dust their quests, and since it’s the popularity of Quest Mage that is the problem (if there even is legitimately a problem) and definitely not the winrate, mission accomplished.
It’s not too late, Blizzard.
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Nah. Just delete the quest.
The Idea was bad from start(valid to ALL quests) and who tells that mage overall gonna die is being delusional.
That renew change is not really going to help Priest as much as people think. Priest is in a weak position early game due to a lack of multiple playable 1 and 3 drops. The ones they have are weak to all the drops aggro plays. I specifically played Priest only this month to Legend to see how hard it would be and it is REALLY hard to win games when you are at half life turn 4/5 and you haven’t been able to play anything to the board that trades well. Early minion health is an average of between 2/3 and sweepers don’t kick in till much later.
That Garrote change effectively eliminates that specific deck from the meta(Which IMO is a good thing). They were already straddling the line on having enough dmg without minion pressure. It remains to be seen if the deck will evolve though and look to apply more minion dmg and use the garrotes as a closer or supplemental dmg.
Hard to say how much that Mage change effects the Mage deck. Time will tell.
Nah, it’ll just kill you with Garrote + Sinister Strike instead of Garrote by itself. It’ll be about a turn slower and maybe (if the meta gets weird) get a hard counter from a deck that can build enough Armor.
Although, 1 less mana is a much bigger buff than people often realize.
Does anyone know why these changes are happening over the course of 2 days and not in a single update?
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i don’t see much change here.
Garrot Rogue wasn’t that bad.
and quest Mage wins with infinite ignites.
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It means you can get Xyrella online in a reasonable timeframe without having to rely on desperate prayer, which is a card you desperately want to avoid hard running in your deck. Renew at one mana is a really big deal, and the battleguard nerf means that condemn on 5 can clear it out as well. These are really impactful changes for some of priest’s worst board based matchups.
Battleguard at 2 health also means you can nuke it down with Defias Leper as well! Leper only deals 2 damage so currently it’s an insufficient answer to battleguard. Post patch though that will change. And a slower priest deck wants leper as one of its 2 drops just as much as aggro shadow does. The renew change even means that Multicaster becomes a more viable include for a draw engine.
It’s really feeling like blizzard is starting to fit an agenda with balance nowadays.
Not really wanting to start a conspiracy theory but they’re literally taking decks that were closed by design and being sure to make that they gonna go away. This is what those “balance changes” are.
Something that i not against but could be done in a more honest way like Just banning the cards.
I’m not predicting people will stop playing Quest Mage completely. My point is that it’s winrate is currently either just over or just under 50%, depending on whether we’re talking Diamond rank or below, or Legend — and the deck is more popular at the ranks where it performs worse, right now, as we speak. Quest Mage players have diamond hands, see; you’re not going to get them to stop playing the deck just by nerfing it.
So there’s some bizarro logic in your “just delete the deck” zealotry. A lot of unfounded hate as well, but still.
Anyway, this change will probably make about a third of Quest Mages in the lower ranks change decks, the other two thirds will keep playing it. But at top 1000 Legend the deck will go to Meme Tier. And no that’s not exaggerating, the deck is barely holding on at high Legend prior to any nerf.
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