My concern, and I’m being forthright here, is that they only hit the Quest and Faceless Corrupter (it’s at 50% usage last I heard).
One more card from the package needs to get hit (Faceless just needs it in general, card is crazy). Whether Dragon Pack, Corrupted Elementalist, or Galak at least one more card is needed.
My fear though is that this is being done quickly or was a nerf already primed and it’ll only target the Quest really and that won’t fix much it appears based on the data.
Faceless Corrupter, the double 5/6 maker, and the 3/3 invoke twice will all be nerfed. Gala will not
Yep, same thing they did last year. Hopefully they do a better job of it this time around.
Deathrattle Rogue is cancerous, I’m making a petition to ban the deck right now.
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Im hopping it gets nerfed to 5/3
Did you read the post at all…? They literally say all affected cars get full dust refunds
Wow this is crazy fast. Balance changes a week into the expansion. That is not even enough time to properly test the changes to be made, so chances are this are going to be old time nerfs that just destroy the cards forever.
I was just thinking today that the cards in the adventure might be direct answers to Galakrond decks, but I guess not .
I hope they do hit the quest, I cut it from my list and would be overjoyed to turn it into a free legendary.
The best builds aren’t running the quest though so that does seem somewhat unlikely, especially as the post specifies “Descent of Dragons cards”
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Run a silence in your deck ever thought about that?
So yay for fast balance changes, boo that faceless corrupter will likely remain untouched…
While I agree with the sentiment, there isn’t enough room to run silences right now. They’re all garbage against pretty much everything but death rattle rogue, which is a problem when Shaman takes up such a large percentage of the field.
Right now maybe not but after the Shaman nerfs it’ll be worth using silences especially if lots of people play dr Rogue. At least theres a tech card for it unlike against Shaman and it’s not like N’zoth is still in standard.
Well, this is extremely terrible news. :’(
Cant remember I saw a nerf this fast after release.
The situation must have been really bad lol.
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You forgot Rastakhan.
The nerf before Christmas looks like a new Hearthstone tradition.
Love how everyone says “great work blizz”. Yeah, they released an expansion so busted it needs fixing after 2 days. Great work indeed. Hearthstone is beyond the point it can go back to being as good as it used to be.
In a post I made yesterday I said T5 needed to do something fast, like an announcement this week and nerfs next, and behold!
Hat’s off to them, f-ups happen (everyone who’s never made a mistake , post a picture of yourself next to your Unicorn below), it’s how you deal with them that counts, and this is a nice quick reaction.
As mentioned above Priest winrate is abysmal, so perhaps they should buff some other cards while they are nerfing Shaman, but Shaman nerf is priority.
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Besides the obvious cards, they will definitely nerf a random card that nobody asked for or complained about like always.
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OMG are they balancing Wild for once?
RN Wild ladder is…wait for it…
11/10 matches, yes non r5 meta does matter you know, they are real matches, since nobody cares about getting R4 since rewards.
On your way to R5, you’ll encounter 2tril mages, secret ofc, and 2 tril priests, big priest or the rando togg who hit up replay or youtube and thinks they’re playing something surprising, when it’s copied and kitchen-table knowledge by now.
What are the top 3 decks vs beyond overseen wild secret mage again?
Should be stickied at the top page of the forums.
Devs if you see this.
Look at secret mage in wild.
See if that deck is where you want it to be, relative to the rest of the format.
Is it too warping for the format? Yea. It is devs. No, nobody is experimenting, they’re playing Wild Secret Mage and a couple Wild Big Priests, and like yea is that what u want Wild non-R5 to be?