Balance changes are urgent! PLS nerf

I’ve selected some cards that are extremely OP and that are breaking the rankings. I’ve made some suggestions so that the meta doesn’t become completely dominated by mages and warriors. I hope that the team responsible considers these changes, thus aiming for a more balanced and fair game.

Tsunami - This card is completely changing the game since it is played on turn 5 and costs 10 mana. My suggestion:

Before: Summon four 3/6 water elementals that Freeze. They attack random enemies

After: Summon three 3/6 water elementals that Freeze. They attack random enemies


Before: 5/6

After: 5/4

New Heights - This card allows the druid to gain almost twice as much mana as his opponent. It’s broken.

Before: Increase your mana total by 3 and gain an empty Mana Crystal

After: Increase your mana total by 3

Safety Goggles - Lots of armor for only 2 mana

Before: Gain 6 armor. Costs (0) if you have no armor

After: Gain 4 armor. Costs (0) if you have no armor

Test Dummy:

Before: 4/8 cost 6 - Taunt and Deathrattle: Deal 8 random damage

After: 4/8 cost 6 - Taunt and Deathrattle: Deal 5 random damage