Back to back queued against top 2 should not happening

getting double clapped with 15 by the top 2 players who highrolled while you are stuck with garbage is just the worst game interaction within BG. you cant do anything but watch. you cant come back in any way because youre insta losing 30 hp just because you got bad cards or a useless trinket that doesnt match your board well enough

such a stupid game design

This sounds more like a skill issue than a design problem, but you keep on believing what makes you able to cope.

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That’s how it’s always been.


The problem is not that kind of internal matching; the matching should be like that; the will never predict what a “high roll board” is anyway (those devs can barely know what they’re doing to be that precise at coding that).

The real problem is power creep. The game should not give players 15 points of damage that early and easily; I keep seeing it lately when barely anyone went level 4; it’s been like that since the last major patch.

It’s as if the game is stuck between two worlds. In the highlands (legend ranks) I expect to see Stars and Stars only, folks who worked hard to get up there and embedded themselves firmly in the sky.
but all people see up there (From what I’ve heard) is just fireworks, they shoot up there for a moment, occasionally make whistling noises on the way up, then they fall back to the earth. Fireworks and Stars!
Meanwhile down here in Southland I had the unfortunate experience of having to watch stars fall from the sky, seeing archtypes that used to have their time in the sky get outshined and somehow completely outmanuvered by something that looks like it logically has no reason to be winning right now.
Nothing down here but fallen stars and diamonds struggling to prove their worth among the rough.
And a very hypocritical thought occurred. Why is it I like Ferra/Torr from MK X’s “damage yourself to be able to do unfair amounts of damage if only for a few seconds” Pain = Pleasure/clutch playstyles. Yet when I looked at warlocks doing it in this game with the paradoxically named “Insanity warlock” and the more readily band-aided “Pain warlock” using cards I thought would be common sense to stop using the moment you realize that 70% of Core classic cards are training wheels meant to be repaced when you get literally anything else… It made me want to puke, in fact I vomited while trying to logically process it for this here rant.
What is it about this representation that displeases me so? Why is it that I can look at Ferra/Torr’s entire beginner friendly kit and confidently call her a “skill issue” character when I see people using her improperly but when I look at people playing warlock… Lazily, it enrages me enough to want to break the game as a whole down to it’s core and overanalyze what it is that they’re doing… right?
I don’t want to throw around words like “right way” and “wrong way” to play. Right and Wrong are just words, especially in this case where, just like Ferra, Worr is so versatile that there really isn’t a “wrong way” to play them, you can play em fast n loose or slow and hard, or the unattainable ideal of being both at once that I keep trying to go for. I don’t… get it. :no_mouth: It’s the same thing just a different coat of paint on it in a different genre entirely.
Why does the knowledge that all my efforts spent trying so hard to make warlock work in the current standard with original ideas involving needlessly complicated decks and maximum effort optimization trying to make “zem ze best zem zey can be”, only to look up from the drawing board and see someone pulling ahead in the race with absolute rock bottom bare minimum effort…
Have to hurt so much?
Seeing an ironically named insanity Warlock do better than me has officially driven ME to actual insanity! And there’s apparently nothing I can suggest to them that could get them to rebrand besides the ever futile yet constant constructive criticism of “You’re playing the class with 1001 board clears, plenty of which now with life steal, WHY ARE YOU STILL USING DESTROY A MINION GET 3 HEALTH BACK, keep the pathetic Imps if you MUST but please, you’re dishonoring this entire unit by forgetting your cheap wide removal spells at home all the time! Wing welding is the new twisting nether man!”
so I may have to start calling my Wild Warlock deck my “Unironic Insanity Warlock” for when the they invesitably ask for an even blunter name behind the intended strategy of a deck I literally named “The E.V.I.L Conga line.”
Only now when I understand the futility of my OWN actions do I realize the feeling I’m trying to impart on my opponents. :saluting_face: That sweat on my brow feels all the sweeter now that I know how it feels.

Edit: 6 AM post hysterical rant clarity, I only now after wasting 2 hours typing this response realize that this was a BG thread. I just skimmed it and read 15 damage, insta lose, bad card rolls. And thought this was another mage thread. Oh well, no use crying over spilled text.

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But to various degrees. Right now its a bit to much. A streamer said so as well on stream,the difference between high and lowroll is to big and you dont have enough agency to compensate and adept.


that’s not 20 spaces

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If i was to change one thing right now it would be to remove about a third of the trinkets in general. Too many of the average trinkets are causing players to never get game defining trinkets for a build or their current build. Those same trinkets are hard for new and inexperienced players to identify in their games even though there’s usually one in there. That’s the biggest change i have seen since the mid season patch.

I personally haven’t moved much in my rank since then and i know some of the top players have also experienced this at times. Although the very top player tend to find that narrow line and thread the needle most games. I’m content at this point with the season but i can see where it might not be appealing to others.

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This is exactly what they should be doing.

The trinket algorithm is once again completely false in scope. 8 out of 10 games you do NOT get a trinket even remotely close to your board, hero power, and tavern state. Team 5 out here straight LYING on patch notes at this point.

Most of the ambiguous trinkets are completely unplayable.
Most of the lesser trinkets that actually corresponded with your build are heavily nerfed on appearance rate
Either get rid of ALL tribe-specific trinkets and make them purely ambiguous, or tone down the insane power creep imbalance of tribe specific trinkets and get rid of the trinkets by lowest pick rate (data the devs ABSOLUTELY have access to) because everyone knows they’re bad

I don’t agree with this. A lot of the “ambiguous” or generic trinkets have an economy angle, and having more Gold is good. It’s not super exciting, but better economy = more likely to hit your other build pieces = playable.

Specifically, when I think “average trinket” I think Compass lesser, and Compass is playable even if it ends up being in a tribe you’re not using. It’s basically just a Strike Oil with extra steps, but that’s still decent.