Auto-squelch please

Please allow me to squelch all players before I am in a game. The emote system is only ever used to taunt or BM in my experience. Why am I unable to turn off communication from all players? Isn’t that a common thing in games?

I usually squelch out of habit in the beginning of games now but it seems like there should just be an option for people who would prefer not to interact.

For those that would say I’m being sensitive you are right, it hurts my feelings to have my defeat rubbed in, especially when it wasn’t a great draw or if I’m trying to just get away from some negativity in my everyday life. When you lose a card game (or any game) to someone and they say, “HA! YOU LOSE!” Its not a good feeling, and it doesn’t make me want to come back and play.

Thanks for Hearthstone, it’s a great game.


They have confirmed they will never add auto-squelch, since they feel it is a negative gameplay experience. They said you can just manually squelch a toxic player.