Astalor's Animation is Slow AF

Just sayin’. Each damage dealt takes about 1 second. There is 8-14 damage dealt, all singularly. That is too long for any animation.

That is all. :laughing: I feel like our boy Spongebob here.

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Even slower when used against Solid Alibi. The animation pauses and restarts every time a damage is dealt to the mage’s face.


Since the mini-set this has been happening for me with anything that does multiple increments of anything. It’s kind of baffling.

Astalor is a garbage card and should be deleted from the game

No it’s not. It’s a fun card tgat is strong but balanced

Wow are you in that much of a hurry?

Astalor is fine, in my opinion. Without Brann, the card is fairly balanced. Players complain about not reaching turn 5 or 6. Well, this card requires turn 10 to reach its full potential. And even at turn 10, dealing 14 damage very well may not win you the match. If your opponent has a board, it’s not very effective.

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It answers a board by doing damage to said board.

You can say that, I suppose. I normally saw Denathrius used when the opponent’s board is wiped. His damage being random, it very well may not clear the board. It will more than likely restore all of your health, either way, so that’s a plus as well.

Have you been seeing a lot of Denathrius? I haven’t been, except for one of my last matches.