Astalor getting nerfed TONS of buffs coming [pic]

Scourge ragers? Why? There are way better undead to hit. Undying disciple for one.

Memes? I’m gonna go with memes. You got an Undead list that’s borderline playable?


More likely they’re making it a 4/3.

It’s a tempo deck with Scourge Ragers & Animate Dead.

So my guess for buffs:

Unholy Frenzy to 2 mana (Dangerous, but not insane)
Risen Footman to 2/2 (Also dangerous, but not too crazy)
Vengeful Wolloper to 6 mana
Wither to 1 mana
Vast Wisdom to 2 mana
Energy Shaper… probably increase the mana bump?
Timewarden - buffed stats
Haunting Nightmare - buffed stats
Bonecaller - Buffed stats
Basaleph - Buffed stats or cost reduction (more likely cost reduction to 4 mana)
Infantry Reanimator - probably cost reduction to 5 mana
Dar’khan Drathir - buffed stats
Asvedon - buffed stats
Spellbreaker - buffed stats or cost reduction with adjusted stats (4 mana 3/5 for example)
Last Stand - 3 mana
Remornia - 6 mana
Nellie - Mana discount increased… OR old effect, but no pirates over (5) mana.

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Time warden isn’t really a four mana play, it’s more of a 9 mana then let your Raid Boss + all her whelps get divine shield next turn play. It also works super well with Flight of the Bronze if the manathirst is online.

But like I said, the meta is too fast to let stuff like that happen, which holds that deck back more then anything.

It’s a Frankenstein thing of that, plus Shadowed Spirits and the card to give it Reborn. Capped off with Astalor or Xyrella Hero and Voidtouched Attendants to spam face damage.

The problem is how quickly you die when you don’t open with Ragers & Anime Deads.

yes good lucky making that play in the current meta you will get eaten alive. I mean the two dragons they introduced in this expansion are just too slow. 4/4 rush for 4 mana lik seriously?

If you wanna play paladin go pure pally, this is a decent deck

Chillfallen baron needs major nerfs.

Honestly I never felt that these cards needed buffs but I guess they’re too weak for modern Hearthstone Snap.

Unholy Frenzy - 2 mana, probably still weak
Battlefield Necromancer - spends up to 2 corpses to summons 2 Risen Footman
Boneguard Commander - 7 mana
Vengeful Wolloper - 6 mana
Wither - 1 mana
Vast Wisdom - 2 mana
Energy Shaper - yup, probably increase the mana bump to 3
Timewarden - 3/6
Haunting Nightmare - 4/3
Bonecaller - 2/5 (hopefully won’t enable a Plaguespreader meta)
Basaleph - probably 4 mana
Infantry Reanimator - probably cost reduction to 5 mana
Dar’khan Drathir - 7 mana, maybe even 6
Asvedon - buffed stats
Spellbreaker - 4/6
Last Stand - 3 mana
Remornia - 6 mana
Nellie - something like pirates cost 3 less but no less than 1

Clownfiesta mage = BigSpellMage?

Chills as in a bad thing? Haha, cause I don’t think I can go from this terrible meta into a possibly worse one with BSM everywhere.

If these nerfs/buffs result in a worse meta than currently exists… sigh, I don’t see this going well for HS.

Since Commander and Necromancer are both buffed, it’s probably a buff to the generated tokens. Honestly Necromancer is already strong, buffing the token will be astounding. Body Bagger into Necromancer is a super strong early game.

Unholy Frenzy going to 2 mana could also be really strong. Very often when I’m offered the choice on a discover, it’s pretty good - I’ve taken it quite a few times on the School Teacher where the cost doesn’t matter. 2 mana to get a bunch of corpses and trigger deathrattles can be super strong.

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No. Before the balance changes before, quest priest got me to legend really fast. Undying disciple getting rez was a killer to all aggro decks. Then to deal with all the otk stuff, plaguespreader resummons with bonecaller was a massive hit. Nothing meme about it.

Unfortunately, the killing of bless priest allowed DH to come in full swarm and killed all viability of priest.

I am sad they didn’t hit both, tbh.

Nearly every time rogue gets out of line shadow step is involved. This card has no place in the modern game.

Makes sense, probably what Bee said (tokens to 1/3).
Unholy Frenzy to 2-mana is good as a discover, not sure I’d hard run it.

This change is amazing. It’s the only targeted taunt draw in game IIRC

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As Schyla said, this is most definitely a buff. Previously it was a 4-mana card that did nothing the turn you played it, which in this meta was as good as conceding. This also quickly gets a taunt into your hand for combo-ing with Bulk Up or Conditioning, if you still run those.

Arguably I think if you removed the Manathirst and it was just a 1-mana, Draw a Taunt, that’d still be a big buff over what it has been.

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I agree. In fact, you’ll rarely get the manathirst ability off unless you just draw this after turn 8…but then you have to hope you still have taunt minions to draw.

So this is more of an early tutor for taunt…and that’s amazing.

There have been several decks I’ve made over the years where I wish I could tutor my taunt.

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I guess what I mean is it makes the card a lot worse for… what it’s supposed to be. Draw a big fat taunt to save you from aggression.

Now it’s just a 1 mana tutor. Because the game needs more cycle/draw.

In standard, yes. But in something like Dead Man’s Hand in wild, or some other stuff, it’s amazing.

Well, Warrior sure does. Heavy Plate and Outrider’s Axe both rotate out in April and Axe was basically keeping non-quest Warrior afloat single-handedly. Weapons Expert was valuable just because it tutored and curved into Outrider’s Axe.

My crystal ball tells me that midrange Taunt Warrior with Lor’themar Theron will finally break the meta.


I think it doesn’t need to be 1 mana. It’s a mistake for them to keep breaking that rule every chance they get. (Also no Unleash Fel nerf)

Making the card 3 mana seemed like a much better change while still preserving the card.

Not really a big deal I guess.