Artanis in Druid - minion reduction?

Help me understand. Artanis is a Protoss leader for Druid/Mage/Rogue/Priest.

It gives the passive ability that your protoss minions cost 2 less this game.

Druid only has 1 Protoss minion it can play and it’s the neutral Void Ray:
Rare · Minion · The Great Dark Beyond · Rush, Divine Shield Battlecry: If this costs (0), gain +2/+2.

This seems pretty stupid design since they didn’t give Druid a single Protoss minion to play with.

However, it has been confirmed Artanis Hero Power works with Groovy Cat and also will affect the minion you target, so that’s unique…but the passive makes absolutely no sense for Druid…

This just seems like some really bad design and not really well thought out…what am I missing?

they didnt

they gave them 2

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Thanks! Now this makes more sense…none of those cards are popping up in the Card Library for me when you type “protoss” and it shows all the reveals are done.

i found them just by using the expansion and class filters

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I thought the card library would recognize the protoss word since it’s in the description: *Faction: Protoss on the card.

Is there a way to filter just for all the protoss cards? Seems weird there’s not a way.

NVM: Seems they DID add a drop down called Faction. Sweet!

If that Carrier triggers the way i think it does. It is an extremely powerful minion.

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End of turn, deal 12 dmg to the enemy hero

Wow did you think of that all on your own? That’s not what i was thinking about.

Not much you could be thinking about

4 minions they can clear the board or go face

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Okay. So if i have TWO of these in play and they have minions. Do they summon all 8 and then attack or do they summon 4 then attack then the second one summons 4 and attacks if there’s space? If it’s the later that makes this minion extremely powerful for druid to clean up boards with. Seeing as how putting out two would be fairly trivial.

The only reason i am not sure is how it is worded and the advanced Rules for HS aren’t crystal clear on how they activate. There have also been inconsistencies in the past with similar effects and their trigger order and how they resolve.

It’s for sure that 1 goes off, and then if there is room the other goes off.

End of Turn effects happen individually, with the first on the board activating first.

Let’s just be glad this isn’t a Paladin minion and that Druid doesn’t have Auras.

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That’s what i am assuming by how it’s worded as one effect on the card. I am just skeptical on their consistency. If it does end up like this Druid has a very powerful removal tool now.

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whit alot mana yes …druid need earlier survive not when has 20mana

Tbh I was expecting druid to have more protoss cards with the flavor of token based aggro strategy hence they could prey on combo decks which makes control decks more attractive to play.

pretty sure that’s what the zerg are doing dude

I know, but I wished token druid will be viable with previous starship set and distress signals.

I think it’s an extremely powerful minion regardless.

Second strongest Protoss minion after Colossus.

Druid got shafted the worst of every class. I’m honestly furious