I’m coming from an Arena player’s perspective, these are issues that I often face when playing Arena, they all either have something to do with bypassing mana costs or just having exaggerated outcomes. I’ll only make a few general points that all have the same general idea that can be applied to similar cards/mechanics.
Bloodsail Recruiter - in Arena, discovering Marin is most of the times just an auto win. I’d like to suggest making it “Discover another pirate that cost 4 or less”.
Conniving Conman - This can get redicilous in Arena aswell with dual class cards, like replaying Tsunami / Drakefire Amulet or any high cost & high value card from any class. Change it to something like “Replay another card from a non-rogue class that cost 4 or less”.
Swiftscale Trickster - In dual class Arena, for example Rogue/Mage, you can cast Tsunami/ Drakefire Amulet / Survival of the Fittest at turn 4 for 0 mana which is ridiculous. Make it “Your next spell this turn cost 4 less”.
Huddle up - This is somewhat controversial but it feels very imbalanced in Arena. It is almost an auto win if played when both players are somewhat even, or you’re slightly behind and the opponent has no efficient board clear, and it gets even more ridiculous when casted with a mana cost discount (Like for 5 mana on turn 5). Make it read either “Summon a random Naga for each naga you played this game” or “Summon a random Naga for each different spell school you casted this game”.