Arena Mage should be nerfed

Hello everyone. It’s no secret that arena resource generation is one of the most important aspects to win, if not the most important. All classes have resource generation, but none of them are up to a mage. And until recently
time to the priest.
It is often very difficult to beat an opponent when he takes the table early in the game and generates resources. For example-audio splitter, remixed dispense-o-bot, whirlweaver, fiddlefire imp (it should only give out one random spell, not two!), finally Infinitize the Maxitude. The last card is the one that needs to be blocked to play in the arena. Otherwise, it becomes completely impossible to keep up with the mage. You are running out of cards, and the mage’s number of cards does not fall below 8. The developers banned a death knight card that called a copy of itself, subject to availability 4 corpses, so why didn’t they do the same with Infinitize the Maxitude? It’s literally an endless resource.
The mage beats off the table, or even completely occupies it. In this he is helped by Synthesize, Cosmic Keyboard. Moreover, Synthesize now has the best third drop-Marshspawn from Ashes of Outland. And then he unearths spells ahead of time. Exhibited a large creature? Get Reverberations. Exposed several creatures? Get Fire Sale, star power, blizzard, anything else.
And the mage will definitely have time to get Pyroblast, which will destroy you with the help of Rewind.
Or constant spam of arcane defenders (summons 2 5/6 golems).
It doesn’t matter which scenario the mage chooses. I want to say that he has a lot of resource generation, ways to clear field, damage to the face. So many strengths cannot and should not be combined in one class.
Banning Infinitize the Maxitude is the first step. The second is to remove it from excavations. You can also limit the mage in the proposed strong cards during the draft stage.
Hope someone from Blizzard will read my post with concern about the state of the arena and make the right decisions.
All the best!

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:rofl: Are you serious with this one? Look, it’s Arena, what kills you when you’re out of gas is random AF. But you didn’t lose because of that, you lost because you had an empty hand and a weak response when the Mage spent a whole turn on a nonlethal Pyroblast. By which I mean, you’d already lost, that’s just what finished you off.

No Blizzard employee will ever read anything here.

yeah , actually, I was very surprised too seeing remix giving 2 spells.
why 2? I said…