I have played multiple arena this week with DH.
Whenever there is a card says Discover a Fel Spell, it’s always giving me one choice instead of 3.
At first I thought the card might have confused the text with " discover a Fel Spell in your deck", but then the last game I played a card says so, it discovered a spell that was not in my deck either, still one choice, not three.
Am I missing something or it’s a bug? This is Arena played during this week of July 27, 2024.
the outcast spell only discovers 1 thing too in arena
looks like DH is all kinds of messed up in arena
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It’s possible the current list of DH cards only includes 1 fel spell, which would make discovering them only give the 1 option.
That would be kind of a silly mistake though.
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Were you main Class Mage or Warrior with DH hero power as your second class? There is only 1 Mage and 1 Warrior Fel Spell in Arena. Anything other than Mage or Warrior 1st should give more than 1 fel spell unless its bugged.
you discover a card from your main class.
So the outcast card you were playing rogue, it discover the demon that bounces something to hand.
the class you were playing had a single fel spell in it.
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Discovery should work on both heroes. Bad design
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matter of taste, i’ve actually enjoyed it. made a weapon rogue together with shaman, discovering poisons as nature spells bc they are guaranteed. Makes discover less random and more plan-able. But hey if you like rng fiesta’s more thats fine too.
There is only 1 set of discover rules and they are never going to make different rules for different game modes. What you get in constructed you get in Arena and Constructed you discover from your Heroes Current Class regardless of what hero power you currently have. Bad design would be having multiple sets of rules for the same thing and confusing players.