Are there any other games out there like BG?
The forum is trying to make me not post this message for some reason…
You go off topic in a subforum that is about the multiplayer modes inside hearthstone specifically, possibly with the ulterior motive to promote whatever game you play, and you think it’s weird it annoys people?
The topic is multiplayer. And I am not worried about annoying the users of this forum because of how opinionated and toxic they are. I am asking the body a question because they are able to answer with what games they play that are uniquely related to BG. Do you work for blizzard or something? You shill pretty hard for them on here.
Description is “Discuss Hearthstone multiplayer”.
I call them incompetent every day.
It was embarrassing it took them a week to fix the game-breaking Titan bug.
This forum is “Multiplayer Discussion”
Of course, there are some as BG itself kinda take “inspiration” from those games.
Why would you want to play any other game? The HS developers have crafted the perfect game with multiple modes! You won’t find anything better, unless it’s the newest release from the greatest publisher/studio combination of Activision Blizzard! They hire only the best, brightest, and hardest working as evidenced by the supremely sublime player experience every person who has ever logged on to HS has experienced. And to think, it is FREE! What more can you ask for?
Go to the forum list of subforums, and read the descriptions under the subforums.
Carn, i doubt very much you are any kind of enforcement authority of the forum.
Even if you were, I dont see how this is off topic as its premise still talks of Hearthstone BGs as its starting reference point. So while you may not care for the question posed, it is still valid despite your affinity for Hearthstone Forum Purity Supremacy or whatever.
If someone asked is there a Magic Card like Hearthstone’s latest Reno legendary, that too would be perfectly fine to ask. Even if you yourself dont also play magic, this forum is one of 2 places to ask this type of similarity question.
Blizzard has cured my appetite for this genre forever so i wouldnt even know.
It’s more appropriate for the community forum as it’s not directly about multiplayer hearthstone.
That reason might be that you are a troll and a spammer, this topic — all of your posts so far, really — being yet another confirmation.
Not accurate but thanks for stalking me.
Nice strawman. I don’t care about enforcement. I was explaining why he wonders his posts are removed.
I run out of reports to give anyway. Way too many people impersonating me with sockpuppets.
To answer your question. Team Fight Tactics or TFT for short. It’s Battlegrounds but far more complicated but the developers keep a close eye on the game and balance. It’s also highly competitive and has a solid competitive circuit worldwide.
Thank you for the insight, I will check it out.
is bg any fun i just ignore it but seems everyone plays it
If you enjoy a game where everything is randomly thrown out there and you need to puzzle out the best way to use what you are given then it can be. If you want to play a game where you want to play something specific and get upset when you don’t get it then BG’s is probably not for you.
TFT is just a more complicated version of BG’s with a very competitive tournament scene. Of the two BG’s is far easier to pick and learn quickly.
Puzzling is fun but if you play enough games in a row that give you nothing random enough to make anything worthwhile with it is taxing.
It happens. It’s a thing. People on here are really fast to judge someone’s intelligence or play style.