I’ve gotten legend basically every month for years with various homebrew decks and variants of Tier 4 decks. You just need to play them better than your opponents use their decks.
Sure, I can only generally stay in the 10k-7k legend range with those decks, but I am able to climb into top 100 with tier 1 decks that I enjoy.
If you don’t care about your MMR, you will eventually reach a skill bracket where you are good enough to pilot a bad deck into legend consistently, and without taking forever. That’s not an actionable offense. You can beat netdecks with tier 4 stuff. Eventually you get good enough at a deck to start overperforming the average on the deck anyway.
Diamond literally means nothing. It has NOTHING to do with the skill level of players that you run into. They are completely and totally unrelated now.
You moved the goalposts. I didn’t ask you if you’ve been to legend, but if you’ve tanked the MMR and then played a terrible deck.
We might be speaking of different decks from the start. I imagine terrible decks like a paladin with only core cards.
No, I generally stick to the same deck for a month. I don’t usually jump around from deck to deck to deck. Sometimes I’ll stay on one for a few months at a time if I’m working on something. For example, last year I got to legend for 3 months consecutively with Highlander Demon Hunter and stayed in the 10-7k legend range the whole time. That rank IS tanked for me, but that’s about where tier 4 decks work for me.
There are obviously limits to how bad a deck someone can REASONABLY get to legend, but the limits are pretty darn low. The original thread was asking if tier 2/3 decks are legend viable, and without even the SLIGHTEST hesitation, yes, they are. Even tier 4 is. You have to be talking like, nonsense decks before you have to do MMR manipulation to get there. Just get good at the deck you like.
I have some systemic boredom if I know a deck well. I’ve been to legend with flood aggro paladin and then I fall asleep to see it again,
though I admit sometimes I return to it if I have little time and I want to get pack rewards.
No, its not. Read the EULA.
The EULA is not saying explictly anything like that. It does say you can’t be disruptive.
So it could be considered disruptive theoretically.
You can play any about any deck you want, but when you reach diamond 5 you have to use a meta deck if you want to reach legend faster as that is a lot more competitive than low legend. Once you reach legend you can play any deck you want, you don’t get anything by being a higher rank.
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Yeah, you have to hope RNG doesn’t have it out for you and draw a card that stops their snowball. Very skill, much wow.
What you do in Legend is irrelevant, if the goal is more dust. People not caring more than dust is the main reason winning in low Legend is easy or at least you see some bad decks in there with good pilots.
PS yeah you can care for 11X, but that’s a level of tryharding that is beyond caring just for dust.
Contest for tempo dude, I climbed to legend the first 3 days in this season by playing combo deck which is lynessa paladin , you just have to get under them and try to beat them at their own game. Like what I used to do against aggro is coin into gorgonzormu at turn 2, or maybe turn 3 oracle into coin to fish more spells for win condition, if it’s unfavorable never trade. The hardest aggro decks I think was secret hunter because observer of mysteries are really difficult to play around, it’s either you just don’t play around or skip a turn.
Try playing aggro if you are mainly control player, if you know how to pilot aggro deck you will win as a control player since you would be able to visualize and plan for multiple possibilities and also make you better at calculating lethal hence you know how far you could push for greedier play without getting killed by the opponent next turn.
That’s not impressive, if you had 11 stars.
againts full aggro and cycle rogue??? i didn’t complain the meta was full aggro i endured and strived for win under that circumstances. i also know that there are 2 friends of mine who exclusively plays control decks like priest and warrior able to get to legend early without b**ching about aggro decks.
I’d play control now too, because most fast decks are obnoxious to pilot because they last for less than 5 minutes before they know if they highrolled a win or not, but I wasn’t collecting that many control decks so I wait for the rotation.
in the aggro vs control matchup the aggro players have way more pressure to end the game since they have less resources in general. control has always been favorable against aggro, this is why i don’t understand why the OP kept on b**ching about it.