Are all the plague lords rigged or what?

Seems like trying to beat the first one has become a nightmare compared to bringing him down as low as he is in the first encounter. He always has a hand of big fins, scargils, old murk-eyes, and underbelly anglers, basically always giving him full hands while simultaneously giving him a field of minions with 5+ attack and health each so by the 3rd turn, i basically lost since my 3 mana can’t cast something able to wipe 10/10 minions. Even dumber for the fact he has the stupid op hero ability that works as a free field wipe and gives him free cards, basically turning the game into “if my minions dont have charge, they’re gone next turn.”

I love hearthstone but holy crap man i can’t tell what’s more unbalanced, the single player experience or the multiplayer one.

I’ve one shotted him from 300 to 0 twice, once with Reno and once with Elise; he’s hard but he can certainly be defeated efficiently if you play around him.

For his hero power, he’s only going to use it if you have a better board than he does, otherwise he just keeps attacking you. When the cost of the power starts to drop into a castable range, you want to make your board better than his by as little as possible; ideally by trading minions. This way you lose as little as possible when he casts it.

Additionally, you want to avoid having more minions in play than you have to in order to minimize your losses and ensure you have minions to fill the board with after his hero power cost is reset.

You know which plague lord you will be fighting and what their starting hero power will be; when they’re on their last phase you know everything about the encounter in advance. With that, you should be building your deck (as much as possible) to deal with him.

He’s pretty easy to one-shot with Finley using Murlocs and the Amalgam power. Your own Murlocs deal him damage so he goes through phase 1 incredibly quickly and with very little investment from you. In phase 2 his own Hero Power buffs your Murlocs. Phase 3 is unfortunately a phase where your Murlocs help him, but thanks to your Murlocs overpowering his Murlocs you should have a hand that allows you to refill your board multiple times.

Of course that doesn’t help you much if he’s past phase 1 already (he’s pretty slow there making it easy to gather resources, phase 2 is when he starts going insane), but for any future battles. As for the phase you’re currently stuck in: just sneak in damage however you can. You’ll be surprised how much damage you can sneak in.

Also, in general the strategy against him is to go nearly full-face (do of course take something out you absolutely can’t afford to let him keep). He builds boards too easily: if you focus on controlling him, you’ll never get anywhere. Instead let him do the trading: it’ll be worse trades, but as mentioned before, you’ll be surprised how much damage you sneak in. I’ve had times where at a whopping 150-or-so health I already threw the towel in the ring because he’d do insane things, yet still somehow won due to all the bits of damage I desperately snuck in.

EDIT: a small but important correction, in phase 2 you can be a bit more liberal with what you want to get rid of vs phase 3, to lure his Hero Power into destroying a good Murloc.

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Win first, you can win on Monday or Wednesday, or Thursday maybe Friday you can.