Apprentice Track Issues

Hi, I’m having some issues with levelling out of the Apprentice Track on PC, I’ve progressed quite far on the Android version of the game, and when I installed it on PC I was given the option to go through the new Apprentice Track I took it, but I’m stuck at level 14. My characters no longer gain XP even after winning matches, and attempting the “Board Control” mission wherein I’m required to remove 3 enemies with a spell doesn’t result in any kind of progress, despite fulfilling the requirements at least 3 times. I would simply skip the apprentice track, but I’m pretty far through it and don’t want to lose out on the bonuses. Looking for any input or solutions, thanks.


There has been a visual bug in the game lately where quest progress doesn’t appear to update within a game session. Try exiting the game and restarting.

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Unfortunately that didn’t do it. I’ve noticed exiting and restarting the game sometimes helps with the progress bars filling, but this specific mission isn’t activating, even if I click it before hitting “Play” on the menu that appears.

I have the same bug. I’ve completed “Board Control” multiple times over. I’ve restarted the client and even Battlenet and even my PC multiple times and still not complete. I’m at level 15 and not progressing with wins either. My entire progress has simply stopped despite winning every game.

Should I just skip apprentice or are the cards worth it?

Oh also my Rogue and Druid won’t gain any XP despite wins and losses xD

Other classes all gain XP but not Druid or Rogue

I know hearthstone is still in beta so

Same here, I even made a Reddit post but didn’t manage to get any help :frowning:

I have also attempted to play as other characters, and nothing. I no longer gain any experience for any of them. Really not sure what else to do, but I don’t want to skip the Apprentice Track. I’m one level away from getting my catch up cards.

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Same here, looked everywhere on the internet but noone seems to have solved it except the visual bug ones. The bug I and probably everyone else posting about the apprentice track persists even after changing devices. But in the known issues thread it’s only acknowledged that this is a visual bug so I don’t even know if the team is currently working on this.

The problem is not so many people make new accounts this days and even if they do, most of them don’t report the issue and if it’s not a big issue they won’t fix it soon (that if they know about the problem, there is a good chance that they don’t even know). This bug or whatever it is started from Wednesday so yeah, i have no words, imagine being a new player and you can’t even complete the apprentice track.

Yes, it’s shocking to me that such a game breaking bug is left in the game unfixed for days and not even addressed in any way.

Shocking indeed but this is Blizzard, don’t expect too much, our only hope is that more people will encounter this and will report or post on the forums and eventually someone will notice.


So, I think I found the solution? It looks like I was only offered the apprentice track because of a region mismatch with my Android and PC versions, I fixed the region, and lost the apprentice track, but got all my old progress back. Not sure how relevant this is to people, but if you switch platforms, it may be a region issue. My presumption was that I’d get my old progress back once my apprentice track was completed, but apparently not. Hope this helps some people!

This is a known issue: