Anyone play with the new Earthen Paladin deck?

Why the Crafter’s aura? Wouldn’t card draw and early minions help more? Like, Gnomella even would help here and especially with lifesteal aura.

Second game I played with this, the rogue stole both copies of Tyr’s Tears in the same turn.

Fun game you have here, Blizzard.

I hate rogue.

I mean in that case every single deck is a new deck lol.

Custom Paladin

Class: Paladin

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

1x (1) Adaptive Amalgam

2x (1) Divine Brew

2x (1) Drone Deconstructor

2x (1) Fancy Packaging

1x (1) Frequency Oscillator

2x (1) Lifesaving Aura

2x (1) Uther’s Gift

2x (1) Whack-A-Gnoll

1x (1) X-21 Repairbot

2x (2) Annoy-o-Tron

2x (2) Noble Minibot

2x (2) Oh, Manager!

2x (2) Petty Theft

2x (3) Flickering Lightbot

2x (3) Muscle-o-Tron

1x (3) Prosthetic Hand

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (2) Haywire Module

1x (2) Power Module

1x (5) Sunsapper Lynessa


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I would guess someone playing in the MT dropped this deck and started testing with it. Now it’s gotten around and more are trying it out. Looks interesting for sure. Just not my type of deck sadly.

I would argue that my reno priest that use 3 or 4 new cards is at best “Updated Reno Priest” and would not call it new as it doesn’t try to do anything new just abuse the same stuff it did last format

No b/c HS is terrible

Thank you for proving my point and going against your own :man_facepalming:, lol

i wanted the deck to be my own, and now it is

plus having 3 or 4 crafters aura going at once is funny to watch

whats better than 1 boulderfist ogre? FOUR OGRES!!!

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I think Schyla’s list is significantly more effective than yours, but both are wildly inconsistent and prone to just flopping.

Yeah, this deck is either pumping out mega giants by turn 6, or it’s doing almost nothing.

There’s no in between.

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its either doing ogres or earthen by 6

plus the 3 mana 6/6 is great on 3

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Taunt on 1
Draw on 2
3 mana 6/6
Cost reduction on 4
Or earthen on 4
Aura on 5 or earthen
Rezz or another aura
The deck isnt easy to pilot, but the early game doesn’t feel slow any more

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People in top 500 gave it up quickly

I’ve only played couple of games against the deck 2 days ago, and not a single one afterwards

I get the feeling most paladins will stick with the handbuff/charge deck, as it’s much easier to get the hang of. This one requires you playing cards in a certain order to maximize it, as well as limiting the paladin minions you play if you really want it to go off. Probably could benefit from more draw too, to make it more consistent.

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i just did turn 2 blue-eyes turn 3 6/6, turn 4 6/6, turn 5 4/5 disciple for a 2/2 earthen

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