Anyone else was surprised after reading this bit on the patch notes

"summoning a cat no longer will allow headmaster kelthuzad spellburst to trigger on opponent turn. The headmaster just gets really excited about cats "

…didnt even know this was a thing

The secret effect:
Summoning 6 cat minions while Headmaster Kel’Thuzad is in play will add a copy of Mr. Bigglesworth to your hand. (0 Mana, 1/1 Beast).
The list of ‘cat’ minions can be found in the interwebs.

As for the bug:

  • Internally, Headmaster Kel’Thuzad uses the same counter for both his Spellburst having been triggered and the amount of cats summoned to get Mr. Bigglesworth, which causes buggy interactions when both of Headmaster Kel’Thuzad’s triggers are used simultaneously. If his Spellburst triggered first, you will only need to play four cats to get Mr. Bigglesworth. If you played a cat minion first, then playing even a non-spell card will trigger his Spellburst. This bug with cats acting as Spellburst triggers was fixed with [Patch]

^It summons the cat even if it is not 6 cats. you just need to fill the last boardspace with a cat as far as i know. If you have 6 non cat minions and then play a cat you get the special cat in your hand.

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What “cat cards” are available in standard? Are “Vulpera” cats?

No they are not cats, they are foxes.

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