Anyone can suggest a deck since time warp is destroyed?

Not sure what to play to be honest. That deck was fun and relaxing to play.

Thinking about exodia paladin, but is it worth crafting?

Maybe reno priest.

Any suggestions for wild mode?

Exodia Paladin could be a good deck for you if you liked Time Warp mage. How many cards are you missing?

You could also still use the mage quest and end your opponent with the old Antonidas otk

i have enough dusts to craft that deck.

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I think I might try it out as well. I never tried it before but the combo seems to be easier than ever to pull off now

If you like quest mage playstyle, I’d suggest shudderwock shaman.

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Secret is still playable. It’s not great, but you can hit diamond with it if you don’t mind losing to shaman, rogue, warrior, hunter, and shadow priest most of the time.
Plenty good enough for anyone who plays mage, I guess.

The perk of Wild is that you can play pretty much any deck from the past.

go play solitare, probably more fun for you than interactive Hearthstone would ever be

or just play a different OTK with time warp, once per game is still fine

I tried mozaki mage a few times when duels still existed. I love think you might have fun setting up an otk with that.

While the infinite spell combo is done and im not sure winrate. It was still a nerfed version of a Top #2-220 legend player rank deck.

There are still a couple of older (pre infinite turn versions of tw mage / post march of lich king loop mage)

For instance. The spellgiants + stormwind battlemaster could still be a potential pivot.

8 + 8 dmg x windfury = 16 x 2 = 32 dmg.

There’s also the Naga giants version, which seems to be a 20 mana: costs 1 less for each mana spent on spells this game. Which means, that while the infinite turn variation might be loss. Getting 2x of those 8 mana giants with a Stormwind Battleground Battlemaster: 6 mana; adjacent minions have windfury, Alongside comboing with the Celestial Projectionist: 2 mana: Battlecry: add a copy of a friendly minion temporarily to your hand. Could be used.

Doing the math.

2x arcane giants 8/8 + 2x naga giants 8/8 + 2x 3/2 celestial projectionalists + 1x 8/8

= 4 mana + 5 mana timewarp = 9 mana

2nd turn: Battleground battlemaster (6 mana)

Board dmg: 32/32 to 40/40 in 4-5x 8/8 Giants ± Windfury for +16/16 more dmg.

Not sure the exact math, But it should be possible to be able to get up to 32-56 dmg with the timewarp combo. Plus the projectionists should add redundancy.

The infinite turn + reno variants are probably gone, and homebrewing is a major thing.

But welcome to wild decks. There’s still a previous otk with previous expansion cards.

We had spellgiant rogue be discovered due to yogg. I think the spellgiant version of mage hasn’t been touched in 2-5 years. But i think there’s still room for someone to iterate and mess with it.

I’ve messed around with tavern brawl and made a couple meme decks that ended up dominating 1 week stints for a while like steam cleaner mill druids in the 20 portal brawls lol.

I think while timewarp renathal mage is gone… I still think 1 turn timewarp mage still seems to have 30-50 of dmg potential in Naga giants + spell giants ± projectionists dupes ± Stormwind battlemasters ± 2x iceblocks ± 2x alibis.

You’re probably losing Renathal Reno though, but gaining 2x more of your cards of choice.

Even Paladin is one of the best now :+1:

thank you all for replies. I will try exodia paladin, meme mage reno deck with all yog sarons , big priest, still viable, now even more when time warp is gone.

Pretty bad deck to be honest, the worst major priest archetype in wild, but if you like Time Warp you might enjoy the angry friends you’ll get when you win with big priest

I just built this deck after watching an old Kripp video from Whispers of the old Gods.

Custom Mage8
Class: Mage
Format: Wild

2x (1) Magic Trick
1x (1) Open the Waygate
2x (2) Conjure Mana Biscuit
1x (2) Khadgar
2x (2) Primordial Glyph
2x (2) Runed Orb
1x (3) Ice Barrier
2x (3) Ice Block
2x (3) Reverberations
2x (3) Simulacrum
2x (4) Cabalist’s Tome
2x (4) Molten Reflection
2x (4) Potion of Illusion
2x (6) Blizzard
2x (7) Flamestrike
1x (8) Jepetto Joybuzz
2x (9) Blood of The Ancient One


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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