Any recent deck for Frozen Throne?

You can use counter spell in the beginning of the game if you can manage to get the 1 mana “your next secret this turn costs 0”

Dont you dare suggest that, I spent a hole month going against lich king with mage and that combo is just too rng based, half the time when I pulled it off I still died due to lich playing good or me then getting bad cards, I have beaten him by basically making a deck that just tried to kill him as quickly as possible which wasnt murlocs, been to long to remember what I beat him with but still the counter secret is just not worth it with the amount of retrys

You can craft one Mossy Horror and use him with every class for Lich King completion, great card since it literally solos the Frostmourne phase.

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His reaction is priceless, though! “How did that get past QA?” Or, if you use Mana Bind. It’s hilarious. Yeah, I’m not prepared for LK with Mage. I’m still working on beating him with all 9 classes. I have it done with Druid, Rogue and Priest (Priest was ezpz, just murlocs and AOE spells.) Hunter, otk and kills my buffed beasts.

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mossy horror is a good idea, I forgot about him. add in plate breaker to wipe out his armor and a vicious fledgling because it’s basically a 3 mana pyroblast.

What is a good plate breaker to use?

It’s just a card called “platebreaker.” It’s 40 dust to craft, iirc. Common card in standard!