Any Improvements I Can Make

At this point then, your mentality is your enemy - not your rank. If you approach every match tilted, you’re not going to climb. Period. End of story.

Take each match for what it is - an individual game. Play it to the best of your ability without going “god, I shouldn’t have to deal with this at this rank” and when you’ve returned to playing with a proper level of focus (which I’ve seen you do plenty of times before) you’ll begin ascending the ladder again.

Talk your plays out to yourself. Try to anticipate how your opponent might respond. Don’t let fear of the worst case scenario force you into no play, just use forethought to try and make the best play. Every time your reasoning returns to “I don’t know, I’m just playing this card because I can and this deck is supposed to win” you need to stop and re-center your focus on properly playing out a match.

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Sometimes the “best” play you can make might get answered. You want to still try and do whatever pushes your gameplan with as little risk as possible…but sometimes there will still be risk.

You cant avoid all answers to your plays. Minimize punish, push your decks goal, and always remmeber that sometimes you just lose.


I prefer the second to last list you posted. I tried bronze gatekeeper but it’s too slow imo.

Maybe not with framebots, but ursatron is the best 3 drop to hold on to.

I won’t recommend one call the hounds for a cyber chip because that’s not the usual list, but I do like it.

I can’t watch your replays, but it may be that you are not gaining board advantage where you should or your not pushing face when you should. Goblin bombs can close the distance to lethal pretty quick and with a bit of a surprise, magnetizing to your mechs as well.

I find my turning point in the game is when u can suddenly magnetize and hit face, with a number of bombs on board to threaten more magnetize next turn. I also hold on to venomizer for missile launcher combos pretty frequently.

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With the complete my deck feature would the next step be a function that recommends card crafts based on what was built? I know with many structure decks in physical card games they usually have an insert that says other cards you can get elsewhere that would improve on what you already have.

I think for newer players especially it might help as they are less likely to see the strategy the complete my deck feature was trying to push.

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I’ve switched to midrange hunter and still haven’t climbed anymore. Get 1 star away and keep losing.

I’ve slowed down, take my time, analyze my options, and do my best to think carefully. Am I not playing enough? How many matches a day do I need to get in to reach R15?

It didn’t seem like a lot last time but this time I seem to be struggling so hard and I don’t know what’s different.

What matchups do you have trouble with, a not small part is knowing what cards are important in which matchup.

Practice always helps though that is something you can not really fix quickly. Mind posting the list of MR hunter you use? I used it to get to Rank 3 this and last season before switching it around for something that is not as weak to Rogues :stuck_out_tongue:

Warriors and mages.

Nothing feels worse than 20 minute losses and mana cheat.

I switched back to mech hunter. I am sick of warriors…so effing sick. of. warriors.

Well it’s good to hear you’ve taken the steps that you have while playing.

Here’s the only thing that’s maybe different than last time. An that’s did you climb fast last season at the start of the season? As opposed to mid or end season?

Remember it’s only the 4th. Hell, the games I’ve bothered to play so far got myself kicked down to the rank 10 floor in wild, an 9 for standard.

It’s not bothering me as sometimes people are just more in the mood to win, or just in fact outplay me. The good news for us is we still can score winstreaks an when that happens we can ride that wave for several ranks.

No worries to really stress over. You’ll rank up tonight, perhaps a random day you log games, or even like the last day of the season maybe.

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If warriors give you trouble I presume you do not have Zul’jin? MR Hunter can be built to beat warrior quite reliably, it is in fact hte deck I use if I queue into a lot of them. but it requires Zul’jin to produce enough firepower against the endless stream of removal Warrior has access to.

Summoner mage is more tricky, but in my experience your best bet with MR hunter is to mulligan for pure aggression and get as much damage in as you can before they wall up and then finish with Kill Commands and Heropowers. It is not the greatest matchup but it is winnable with not too outragous luck.

I do have Zuljin. I’ve double checked my list to make sure hes in there because I never draw him.

Basically what happens is…every deck I have, (MR Hunter, Mech Hunter and Token Druid) I consistently lose…and watch my opponents draw all the perfect answers to all of my everything. I can see how people think it’s rigged. (It isn’t but I can see why people would believe that…)

Okay so when I first joined the forum, around old gods, I think? All I ever read was…

Trumps Teachings
Git guide noob
R20 Scrub
Anything below R15 and you’re not good

I got to Rank 11 in Wild! Proud of my accomplishment, I shared it with someone (a fellow regular in a twitch chat that we both watch)

They referred to Wild as “EZ mode.” Now, the streamer himself (who is a multi-time legend player) said he couldn’t imagine trying to play Wild.

But that stuck with me. I made it to R11 in Wild…surely I can make it to R15 in Standard real quick and go back to Wild. I can’t be that bad of a player after all these years, right?

I’m beyond noob/scrub status…aren’t I?

Clearly, no. No, I am not. As for when, usually mid to end of season. I keep getting run over by Token Druid (but when I play Token Druid, my board is always cleared, whereas after TWO trackings, still no UtH!), and Bomb Warrior. Mages always seem 50/50.

I haven’t even done my quests for the past two days. I’ve just been hyper focused on desperately trying to prove to myself I have a smidgen of skill.

First time I hit R15 was with MR Hunter during…Ungoro, maybe? Second time was with Odd Paladin, and this last time I reached R11 in Wild so I wasn’t really caring about Standard. I guess Standard is where all the focus is but its positively mind numbing.

Mage, Warrior, Druid, Hunter, rogue.

Thats it. Summoner Mage, Bomb Warrior, Token Druid, Mech/Beast Hunter, Tempo Rogue.

Compared to Wild, you call that variety? How do you people do this every month?

I think tomorrow I will do my quests and try Wild ladder. I don’t know what else to do if I can’t be competitive…

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Bad luck happens, I lost some of my games to warriors too. The key is to cast at least one Unlesh the beast+ its Twinspell as well as both Dire Frienzies before you play Zul’jin, the patience is very important delay Zul’jin as long as you can unless you have cast both Unleash the beast and their twinspells as well as both Animal companions. (You can delay longer but at that point it no longer has any value) the goal is to get at least one beast on the board and then have dire frenzy fill your deck, which should be nearly empty by this point, with 6 more huge beasts plus generate a board just by playing Zul’jin) usually warriors can deal with some of it but then get overwhelmed, but if you pull the trigger on Zul’jin early, say before you cast both frenzies you run the risk of the warrior having enough removal to outlast you.

One play I like to make vs warrior since they oftem times allow you a lot of time (if it is not bomb warrior) is actually hold off on using Dire Frenzy Until you have drawn Zul’jin and just use your master’s calls to thin the deck so you find the spells you want, I know Frenzy into call is tempting but it will not win you the game unless the warrior has a bad draw.

(Sorry long but it is a matchup that can be a coinflip if you play trigger happy or a rather safe win if played patiently. But only warrior really allows you the time to play like this.)

What have changed?

  • the class
  • the deck
  • the player
  • other players

HS is a simple game. But HS is also “complex” where things can change rapidly. Pre ROS, what types of decks are strong/weak? What type of decks perform well and performs better/worse? Post ROS, ask back the same questions?

If player 1 had improved from his/her rank from last season, does other players remain stagnant? Or does other players also improve themselves at different speed, even surpassing player 1?

Like a beginner whom wants to learn competitive swimming, does he/she gets better by swimming more and longer? or requires a coach that can teach the “secrets” of swimming better, faster, further?

Does any competitive player not go through the pain of training before they breaks their personal barriers?

So many questions, so little time…

Eh, screw calling Wild EZ mode, sure maybe there’s too many cards that they couldn’t imagine trying to play Wild. Wild is really fun, though I would rather not play both modes competitively. Rank 11 is progress!

Mm, Standard becomes rather “tight” in its variety, these decks have been established and some others will pop up and start developing over time. There’s the Miracle Mage, and Nomi Priest floating around. every month I do aim to play some different deck or variation, but most times I just Rank up to 5 and be done with it. Last month was the exception.

It’s possible there’s some extra factors that make it easier or harder for certain people to get to competitive level swimming. Me personally I’m one of the slowest swimmers, even though I took the usual swimming lessons, and I couldn’t seem to make progress on that with the instructors, perhaps also because of the physical body.

Perhaps we all face different struggles in different areas: some things we eventually work out for ourselves, others it seems so difficult to find out the right help for us, we just scream in frustration and give up.

Indeed there is many factors that can be involved. In your case, where you cannot seems to progress, than there is 2 possibility.

  • you have reach your full potential
  • you require a better instructor/facilities to reach your full potential

If you had reached your full potential, then take pride and credit.
If you feel that your potential is not met, then you need a better instructor to show you where the problem lies.

Its natural that we scream and cry in the process (even give up, give up and rebound, etc) as it is part of growth.
As we look at others whom had reach great heights/achievements, we usually see the fame and glory. We do not see the process that he/she had went through.

  1. Thank you for participating in the online forums.

  2. Double thank you for your work on the “complete my deck” feature. I’ve always ignored it in the past, but I may explore it deeper now that I know you’ve given it some brains.

When I’m not meeting expectations, first place I look is the mirror. I use replays and streams to get a feel for different ways of playing decks. As you can imagine, I watch aLOT of youtube :wink:

Here is a selection of my replays using Mech Hunter against each other class. I’m by no means an expert in this game, but maybe you can gain some insight viewing the deck through someone else’s piloting (these matches from the last three days, R15 to R9 currently).

Hope this helps!










I figured out the problem.

I need to play more.

I did reach R15 and it is just so de-motivating. It’s a locked floor so losing to memes on competitive ladder is a huge bummer.

Tiger Paladin? Really, Karen?

I need to push through the memes. This is probably the hardest part…

I lose to some stupid shenanigans and it just makes me not want to play anymore. Its so discouraging.

Know Thy Deck!

This is probably the most important lesson I’ve learned so far. Learning how to operate mech hunter and what to mulligan for really helps. I’ve also learned what some of my better match ups are, when to go tall and when to go wide.

All in all its been quite the learning experience. My next goal is to reach a high enough rank to where I can stay out of r15.


:partying_face: Congratulations!

It’s always memes at the Rank floors. Mech Bomb Hunter was my RR casual meme, though in those days I put in all 6 DR activators and Devilsaur Eggs.

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Sometimes it’s about time. No win streaks makes the climb much longer.