Any 2021 viable Death knight heroes?

Hey guys I’m just returning to hearthstone after a very long hiatus and as I’m very excited to play the current meta(although I’m gonna need to drop a lot of $$) I’m also really wanting to play some decks from the knights of the frozen throne expansion that I missed. Wotlk was my favorite wow expac so it just goes without saying that KFT is my favorite hearthstone expansion and im really bummed that I missed out on it due to deployment in 2017!. Anyways i was wondering if there are any viable death knight decks I could use in wild and have a decent win rate with? currently i have the following death knights - druid/shaman/hunter/mage. i know thrall deathseer got nerfed which is sad because his hero looked to be one of the most fun ones. appreciate everyone’s input!

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Druid is the only DK seeing regular play in a meta deck out of the DKs you have. And that’s only really in Jade Druid which is usually too slow to have much impact.

The ones that see play are Priest (in Raza Priest) and Warlock (in RenoLock and Big Demon) with a minor appearance from Rogue (in Mill Rogue, which is about as good as Jade Druid).

You can obviously still win with Jade Druid, but it’s going to be an uphill struggle.


I also play my warlock deathknight to corrupt Tickatus. It’s a solid card and usually it’s game-winning if the opponent is not capable of answering to all the mighty demons that I resummon.


Hunter DH goes in any hunter deck, though hunter isn’t very good right now. Mage can be played in the new odd hero power mage, and Druid is in almost every Druid deck.


The current Hunter decks that “work” want to go faster than DK Rexxar, since a purely long term value card isn’t much use in a meta with Handbuff Paladin and APM & Secret Mage.

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Sadly, those DK’s aren’t seeing a lot of play.

Your best bet is probably going for Celestial Druid. Malfurion’s DK is playable in that, and it’s a good deck generally - you ramp to Celestial Alignment and then play things like Overgrowth after the Alignment that give you many big, dirty drops every turn compared to your mana-starved opponent.

You can get started by crafting two Celestial Alignments, then building with all your ramp and then seasoning with big threats to your preferred taste.


I play Control Warlock and I’m having a lot of success with Bloodreaver Gul’dan. In fact, I’d say he’s an auto include along with N’Zoth if you’re playing a slower, more greedier deck. I even made it to semi-high Legend with a Cube variant (which is definitely the suboptimal version) - dropping him late game and getting 2-3 Mal’Ganis feels so good and pretty much an auto win unless you’re playing against Priest.

60-70% winrate for me the last two months, which i’m very happy with considering all the broken Mages these days.


Thanks everyone surprised I didn’t get a toxic reply saying “stop living in the past you need to adapt to the meta” haha it’s a breath of fresh air coming from wow forums.


No worries! I recently moved back to Wild for the same reason - I really wanted to use my Golden Bloodreaver Gul’dan again and I’m having way more fun. I’ve even gone and crafted an almost entirely golden Cube Warlock deck for the hell of it haha. Hopefully you have some success too, the DK cards were some of the most thematic and fun I think in Hearthstone’s history.


It’s pretty odd, but Wild players have really been banding together around this meta on the forums. It’s like…the meta will victimize you enough as soon as you start playing, the least we could do here is show each other love. :joy:

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I can second Control Warlock being successful.

Also not sure where all this “No DK sees play” is coming from. The following are all in decks that are “good enough” to have good ratings on HS Replay or Tempostorm:
== DKs I would recommend ==
DK Gul’Dan: Control Warlock & Renolock
DK Anduin: Reno Priest

== DKs that see play in some decks but couldn’t really recommend ==
DK Malfurion: Jade Druid & OTK Druid (HSR and not played that much at all)
not a DK but Odd Warrior still uses Dr. Boom!

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Haha, I came back about three weeks ago and dusted all the cards I had that I wouldn’t use (think Aggro Druid archetype or Hunter…in general… decks I knew I wouldn’t play). Outside of updating my gold Shaman Murloc deck the first ‘all gold’ deck I did was Control Warlock, heh

Still 110K dust to go =) thinking Odd Warrior, Odd Paladin, or Big Priest is next =)

Guldan and Anduin are the only ones you should really try and get, the rest are either meh, not necessary, or just the class they are in is bad (lol rexxar)

Priest DK: over 50% play(machine gun “otk” priest)…mega burst to be accurate
Warlock DK: 30% but its a 100% auto-include in control decks
Hunter DK:…class is dead…but 100% include for the few rare hunters
Mage DK: currently see less than 5% play…too slow for current meta//lack of tools to make her viable
Paladin DK: haven’t seen ppl play him since Faire expact or was it scholomance ?..probably too slow now
Rogue DK: haven’t seen her get play in a while…its almost all aggro rogue atm
Shaman DK: replaced by a 5 mana weapon…but evolve shaman haven’t been seen in a bit of time now
Druid DK: see bits of play in otk deck for defensive purpose…amount of druid at legend 1-300 is non-existent right now(prob due to apm mage)
Warrior DK: never had the opportunity to shine…still a DK that has yet to be awakn to a purpose

APM Mage…turn 4-6 otk…no amount of defense you build will save you…well cta pally are the only ones able to maybe survive an early turn(after initial onslaught is 50/50)…at least the version i run can XD

i know you didn’t ask for other hero power but
Galakrons that see some plays…priests,warrior,rogue ones
Galakrons that dont sees plays…Shaman,Warlock ones
seeing someone play galakron is uncommon though
well…Shaman may possibly revive…but warlock one is dead

the surely not amazing Reno(i got a blank for him XD)…i think same situation as druid(APM mage currently has the deck he’s in dead)
APM should be killed within next few hours(hopefully the patch fix the issue)…amusingly my cta version can get away with turn 4 kill XD technicly they die on 5…but rebuke shutdown any possible answer on 4(same type of garbo glare lock does with loatheb + giants)


Guldan (control demon warlock) and Anduin (reno priest) are the only ones I see commonly used. The rest I see once in a while.

Wish I could add forum members as friends. I’d teach you the ins and outs of hearthstone. Also, wotlk expansion of wow was the best. it finished what WC3 started. Kotft was the best HS expansion.

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In case you didn’t already know this, if you open the profile of a forumite, you can see their BattleTag! It is simply signified with a dash - instead of a number sign #.

For example, opening a random profile, I see REDACTED as the page title and in the URL. I can then try to add REDACTED on

You can coordinate friend requests in this way, or perhaps solicit one and hope they accept before introducing yourself. :yum:

(And WotLK is indeed the best WoW expansion. :sparkling_heart:)

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Thanks for the tip, also, oof. now everyone knows my battle tag :neutral_face:

My apologies; I have edited my post accordingly. :yum:

You are most welcome!

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Wait, when was this? (afaik he hasn’t been changed)

If we’re talking for competitive, for Death Knights, Anduin and Gul’dan are the only ones really.
But for any sort of fun deck, all the DKs can be used, though admittedly, newer cards are replacing the power they have.

Depends on what your aim is in playing Wild really.
Here’s an Evolve Shaman that I made where I didn’t feel like recrafting the 2 Boggspine Knuckles (since they got nerfed):

Evolve Thrall Shaman

Evolve Shaman

Class: Shaman

Format: Wild

Year of the Gryphon

2x (0) Lightning Bloom

2x (1) Evolve

2x (1) Revolve

2x (1) Sludge Slurper

2x (1) Tour Guide

2x (2) Cagematch Custodian

2x (2) Devolve

2x (2) Maelstrom Portal

2x (3) Bogstrok Clacker

2x (3) Desert Hare

2x (5) Doppelgangster

2x (5) Faceless Corruptor

1x (5) Loatheb

1x (5) Thrall, Deathseer

2x (7) Corridor Creeper

2x (9) Mogu Fleshshaper


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone