Another losing streak

So of coarse the second I’m about to hit rank 2 I go on a 5 game losing streak back to 4. This happens every damn time I try and get close to legendary. I’m not one for crying foul or “conspiracy theory” but why do I always get these streaks when I get close to legendary? Happens every time. It’s never just “lose 1 game here lose 2 games there”. It’s always a hard “you’re going back to rank 4, bud, deal with it”. Been trying advice from other players. Been watching videos trying to figure out what to do. I just can’t get there and it’s pissing me off.


Git gud…bruh


Yes. Ty. I’ll get on that right away!

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Have you considered that your average skill is maybe just below legend?

That doesn’t mean you can’t make it to legend, it will just take many attempts. But just because you are close to legend does not necessarily mean you will make it. This season may just not be your season.

Also if you are losing many in a row maybe you are getting tilted.


I can’t believe you are equating skill with hearthstone lmao, just a series of random effects that result in a win or loss depending on what the game decides. Anyone that plays hearthstone for any real amount of time, is skilled enough to reach legend, just depends on if the game decides you will or not.
I will grant you the game is about 10-15% skill based, certainly. But as long as monkey doesn’t misplay, it’s a crapshoot.


It could be deck quality or pocket meta.
Past game data can really help to solve such problems.

I was diamond 1 3 stars a few days ago. 1 win from legend and then lost 9 in a row. I was playing Wild with Quest Mage. Took a day long break, came back and kept losing all the way down to diamond 5 no stars lol. I had lost all hope for Legend. Then I switched to Secret Mage and steamrolled my way to Legend. First time Legend btw. Felt so good. Never give up.

The only important skill is to chose a deck that performs great in your pocket meta.

And then pray the pocket meta doesnt change the momment you switch decks.

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It did lol but that’s okay. It’s hearthstone. I don’t play this game for any kind of serious thrill. At his game can’t be taken too seriously. Just a little miffed that everytime ov get close to legend I get stomped back down. But hey, that’s life in general.

Unhelpful, inarticulate, retort designed to insult the OP.
Why post if all you contribute is this? You need a better hobby.

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Yeah pretty much. Its kinda joke to take the game any seriously in its current mode.

Though, there is no universal advice here. You could take it as you were lucky so far and the s*** hit the fan in the most horrible moment where you were close to reach legend.
I had the same unlucky streak around dia 4 where I was facing so many priest it was kinda mindblowing. Same on 2nd account where I was facing fast face decks around high plat-low dia.

And it was followed by that rule - switch decks - pocket meta instantly changes too :smiley:

You either suffer it and hope the luck would come back by not matching you against unfavoured decks or just take a break for a day or two and see if its changed.

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What is the deck list you used? I couldn’t progress using secrets mage.

Also, is it the US server?

Sorry boomer. Wasnt trying to hurt anyones feelings. Just trying to bring some humor to the thread. You may not appreciate it but i did get 2 likes. I dont care if one of those is from my mom, she has a good sense of humor and tells me im more than just a troll.
If its any consolation to the op ive never made legend rank but im f2p who uses cards i like and not meta decks. If i cant make legend with my totems then i dont want to make legend bruh.

Fair enough. I’m free to play as well. I can’t afford to play anything but face hunter. But knowing people who’ve made legendary with face hunter tells me I’m either not legendary good or just unlucky. Still trying to figure that out.

I’m not a boomer, I’m a Gen X’er. Thanks for the euphemism.

Shhh dont tell the others but i think the game is skewed towards those who pay. Theyll tell me to put my tin foil hat on or something. I dont have any advice for reaching legendary since i have never acheived that rank myself. My advice would be about the game in general. I used to get very frustrated with this game. Even ripped a sweatshirt off cause of it. At that point i stopped playing. Took a year off came back and enjoy it so much more now. Id still like to make legendary but my focus is more on having fun now. I accept the losing streaks and when i start to get frustrated i put the game away for a bit. So my advice, especially as a f2p is try to have fun, enjoy the grind, and try to accept the losing streaks and bad luck. Despite my original trolling comment i do wish you luck on your quest. I do believe if you stick with it, you will get there.

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mark this day in your calendar. somedays you get good win steaks some others you don’t
I just avoid playing on Thursday / Friday cause I lose a lot on those days of the week. and I have good win streaks on Monday and Tuesday.
abuse the system :smiling_imp:

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Time invested. Matchups. Switching decks. 1 2 3 RNG. Pattern Recognition of the linear game design in all decks. Having all the right cards owned so they all fall into slot when needed for phase 1 phase 2 phase 3 of the game. (see other forum thread on how to play paternstone by a pro).

Every deck has its magical sequence. Lets just pick mage.

99.9% play QUEST mage! Some don’t but it’s still. Spell Spell Spell Spell. Secret Secret, Ward or Nethersphere. Summon creatures by side quests. Freeze freeze freeze freeze. Discover the win using Power of Creation etc and fireball the final.

Is your deck the counter pattern deck to that? Did you sequence perfectly in the draws or know one of your cards is about to come due? How do you know its coming due? Play 10 0games see the same cards again and again and again and again on certain turns. So you wait for it as it could help you of this situation.

Say a Zephyrs or Queen Alexstraza etc.

The PRIMES! All the primes in the new set are ready to drop right away so they get their chance to be right back on turn 7s and 8. I just killed the druid primary on turn 7. Want to be its back on turn 10 on its cost?

I am playing against a druid right now. He has 2 Scalerisders in the top ten off his deck. I haven’t seen a dragon yet. Probably holding the legendary shuffle all the dreams into his deck.

Nobody else is stupid enough to believe the arrogantly false statements you make. Do you really think nobody is going to remember not drawing their primes and think you are telling the truth? Stop spamming your deceitful drivel.

I have been noticing some Face Hunters start to run Imprisoned Felmaw.

My point being, when I switched to Face Hunter in April, I changed cards up, because the “usual builds” on HSReplay etc. had cards which didn’t make sense to me. How could a Face Hunter not run Unleash the Hounds? Pack Tactics was useless when multiple DH and Hunter and Rogue just never attacked my minions. So I put in a Freezing Trap. Took out the clunky Porcupines/Lions, put Teron and Hounds in. A Worgen infiltrator or 2. Freezing Trap was clutch in multiple mirror matches, Their Misha? Gone to their hand for 5 mana. Saved me health and Pack Tactics would have done nothing.

Now? Maybe you are facing less DH and more Hunter (Highlander is more popular now), Pack Tactics may be better. Or Snake Trap instead.

When a Face Hunter loses (including me), there are 2 main points of improvement they need to look at. Either they did not prioritise early tempo enough, or did not deal face damage efficiently enough using their mana. Face Hunter inevitably loses the board earlier than most other aggressive decks, but I’ve seen the T1 Toxic Reinforcements into T2 Hero Power be a losing play because there is no early tempo on the board. It depends on the class you’re facing against of course, but if you have the coin, T1 Battlemage into T2 Reinforcements Hero Power may be just better.

Now about not dealing enough face damage efficiently - sometimes you didn’t hero power enough in the early turns. Which can go against what I said before about keeping up tempo, but it’s your job to find the balance in that.

Despite all this, there is still the 20-40% or so games at least you will lose with no real way to win (opponent gets taunts and heals too early), or swings back with their own medium sized board), but you have to focus on making the most out of the games you can control.

Blizzard might be rigging the games to have you crash back to D5, but at the same time you cannot think about that if you want a good mindset to push for Legend.

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