I contacted the Tech Support, i play on EU server, and they sent me here, not even looking close to the matter i clearly described.
The anomaly i got on day 1 of the new season, June 01, is related to the 3 bonus stars in ranked mode; lately i played less cause of my job, but before i always alternated the 3 ranked modes, only maybe standard played less or nothing. On May i just played for the card back, cause literaly had no time, and played ONLY one mode, Classic.
Now when i opened the game yesterday i saw the bonus stars dropped for no reason at all, and in details i had:
Standard x6-x7
Wild x9
Classic x3
AFTER the begin of June, i founded:
Standard x4
Wild x3
Classic x3
Like i said without even playing a single game in Standard or Wild. Why are affected the 2 others modes?Is not decay, cause i still played in the previouses months, or if is it, is not applied right; like the FAQ Overhaul of the new Ladder System says, you can or can’t have a decay after months or even a year that you leave the game (a lot of players asked after in the thread), but is in the order of a small one adjustment in stars, or even doesn’t have it at all. (“may o may not have” the FAQ says)
Or bewteen a season to the next one the variations are close, and that’s what i always had until yesterday.
So, what is it this strange anomaly??
Fix it.