Anomalies in rank

Just played a match where an anomaly let a hunter use his hero power for free. He was running a greymane deck and the anomaly reduced starting hero power by one. (Needless to say I got destroyed quite easily, Which I can’t even be mad at cause he literally hit the jackpot. Don’t get me wrong I like the concepts of anomalies, but why put them in rank? Wouldn’t it make more sense for them to be in casual or twist or some other mode that is not supposedly a contest of skill? Especially, since certain classes seem to benefit more from them than others. (Aka Rouge, infinite coins anyone?) Spell mage probably benefits from them the least. (Played against an opponent who was running spell mage, and the anomaly reduced minion cost by one. I know that had to feel bad considering they had no minions.) Again, while they are fun, anomalies just don’t make sense for rank.


Ohhh so that’s why they made greymane standard again! Free hero powers!

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At least it wasnt a druid with extra mana or coins. Anomalies suck, most everyone hated them last time but this is blizzard so must put the thing everyone hates back in.

Its actually a reason to play constructed at all. It makes it actually interesting and not a pre-programmed predict this over and over match of solitaire. I just wish they had more interesting ones that really changed the way you play up. Like Even turns you can only play even cost cards, odd turns you can only play odd cost cards would be really interesting. But instead we get nothing is actually different at all anomalies like all cards are golden…

but your scenario sounds unfortunate.


they didnt

this is a weeklong event what you heard people hated was the month long one

What i heard was people hated anomalies. Period.
Didnt matter if they were in BG or ladder they were not welcome. A day, a week or a month had nothing to do with it.


Anomalies shouldn’t affect the game mechanics, should be just estetic like the golden cards or “Every card farts after being played” :relieved:

Yeah like when quest mage get the coin anomaly. Do you know what quest mage can do with extra coins ? :crazy_face:

No they absolutely should not be only cosmetic. whats the point? Its supposed to be a mix up of the rut that is standard. The ones that do nothing but gold cards only shouldnt even have been an anomaly… to me its the one compromise anomaly meant for all the people that whine like a bunch of young Skywalkers to their uncles about anomalies at Tosche’s station. Especially with how often it is the anomaly… so far its been over half of all the anomalies ive encountered. Its to the point Id rather concede and roll the dice again for a chance at an actual good time anomaly or one i havent had yet. Anything other than standard and nothing functionally different… I still wish we’d gotten some with some actual function differences like I gave my example before. Or one that changes all your legendaries at start of game to other random ones. Or have one that forces each other’s hands to swap to the other player every couple turns. I think that could make for some truly unpredictable and insightful back and forth matches.


They absolutely suck.

They can literally win the game for people.

They have no business in ranked at all.

I’m all in if they want this for tavern brawl or casual, but get them off the ladders.


they are so annoying. a week or a month, doesn’t matter.
delete it 4ever.

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They’re fun? Lmao could have fooled me.

You have to admit sometimes they can give you a benefit over your opponent, which would be considered fun I guess. But fun and fair are two different things

I would like to point out I also believe they are fun but also understand that they shouldn’t be on a ranked ladder.

should have been tavern brawl back to back weeks
-week 1 standard
-week 2 wild

Terribly sorry but the strat you were traumatized from died like 3 updates ago. They can cheat their way to one and only one extra turn now and the infamous deck showed pretty vehemently that it has nothing to actually fight back outside of wasting your time until you get depressed and conceed.

I think of it as Exhibition Matches. It tests the player beyond their comfort zone with circumstances they cant build decks for or against nor can predict which ones will be assigned to them. Its a way of testing one’s self for not just their skill, their deck, but their ability to adapt and change with the new challenge.

Its totally fair if you think you cannot adapt and change to the anomaly. Or just prefer not to. I just think its kinda like a self defeatist attitude to have tho. Its like the one guy at the party being his own worst enemy when it comes to chatting up anyone they fancy because all they talk about is how terrible chatting people up is to them and would prefer to never talk to another person ever again.

At least thats what im reminded of. Or another scenario that comes to mind is if the standard players were instead an NBA team’s (you pick the city) players, and the Harlem Globetrotters were coming to their town for a week and vehemently refuse to participate in any exhibition matches with them. The concept of being a good sport or just have a little fun for the short time they are around is somehow not the default position? Just because they do entertaining and comedic and scripted basketball matches and your team never does that… and the look of that refusal is just not a good one. It’d be fair if one or two players opted out of it, but to see almost the entire team be such stick in the muds… its just… yikes.

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This take is a bad one. It has nothing to do with what I’m talking about and you are literally jumping through hoops (pun intended) to defend bad decision-making. By definition, A ranking game is defined as

“a NORMAL-FORM game whose outcomes are rankings of its players. A ranking indicates how well each player has done relative to the other players in the game.”

If you wanna introduce some mode for players to adapt, etc., rank is not the mode to do that with as it takes away the Standard format of a ranked game, therefore by definition making it no longer a “ranked” game.


I took a month and a half break to play Diablo 4, came back, hit Legend in under 9 hours. Zarimi Priest seems to get a massive bonus from anomalies so while everyone was trying Druid shenanigans with Marin, I just ran them over by turn 6/7 (didn’t matter if they dropped Doomkins).

Anomalies are pretty BS overall but at least for me they were extremely beneficial given the state of the meta.

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Its an illustration of what you are being like. You are being like that stuck up NBA team that will have nothing to do with the Globetrotters. Because of no real good reason, youve got your justifications… like defining a word. But you cant even dribble the ball a lil and have some fun with one of the most entertaining basketball players in the world. You are refusing to have fun with them for the short time they are visiting. You’re being a poor sport, and showing how much of one you intend on continuing to be one.

Let loose. dont be the stick in the mud. whistle with the best of them and enjoy the show while you can. enjoy being part of the show while you can.

The game will return to its normal and boring and not at all enticing anymore mode it previously was soon enough. But right now, its exciting, entertaining, and enticing to actually play standard.

A bunch of words that have no value you could not argue what would I just said so you’re basically just saying “hey accept whatever blizzard does.” I’ve already told you what the definition of a ranked game is. Anything that changes that definition changes the nature of what it means to be a rank game therefore it’s no longer a ranked game.

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