Android - Battlegrounds - Missing Text

Running the latest Hearthstone version (31.4.214839) on Android on my Pixel 7.

My app is missing some text in battlegrounds:

  • Current minion type counts
  • Damage cap
  • Win streak
  • Number of triples
  • Hero names on hero select screen (hero names in the sidebar are okay)

I have tried

  • clearing cache + storage
  • uninstalling and reinstalling after clearing cache and storage
  • uninstalling “high quality” textures in the in-app “Downloads” menu

Any idea how I can fix this issue? Please let me know if I can provide any more info!

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It’s a bigger Bug for every Pixel User.

And, there ist no fast fix in sight.

Best Case: some weeks.
Worst Case: some Months :man_shrugging:

to be clear - today is 31.4.2 which is a data only balance patch. the client level ones will be like 31.6 32.0 32.2 etc etc etc. it will need to be one of those, which will be a little bit - and we do not have a clear target for which patch will have the fix yet. i would expect this to take a bit