D5 to legend is a hilarious joke of constantly getting countered perfectly no matter what deck you use, this game always finds your counter.
Would be nice if they stopped rigging matchups and actually matched you with people hitting play, but given the complete dumpster fire this game is turning into i’m not holding my breath.
It’s pretty weird that the entire game you can play well, run into issues but keep moving forward, then get to D5 specifically and suddenly run into a wall of nothing but hard counters.
I’ve gotten legend before and its always the same at D5.
From my experience, D5 is like any other rank form a “match making” point of view.
Sometimes the match making is just weird, but it happens randomly to me, not at a particoular rank (also at bronze-silver, to be clear).
Like, you face aggro hunter/warrior for 10 games, then you change deck to control warlock to punish them and you find 3 control decks (shaman, priest, warlock) in your next 3 games.
I can’t prove anything and I don’t have to, I just leave here what I could notice from experience.
Rigged or not, it doesn’t change the fact that playing in ladder is tedious af
It’s not but not everyone has and there’s no way for me to know this without asking, which is a pretty logical thing for someone to do when they don’t know the other person.
You are the one doing it , his comment pretty much negates your flawed logic, there is no one out to get you when you reach Diamond 5 .
Of course the overall player skill level might be higher you wont get as many people giving out wins with missplays.
You are trying to push an agenda and say things i didn’t say.
There’s no conspiracy? Are you just dense or do you just sound like you are? You come out saying things i never said and are now acting like you are setting me straight on something you aren’t.
How about you just shut your mouth and sit down, because you are adding nothing and just making this hostile.
If the matchmaking algorithm has deemed your deck too powerful, it will set up some roadblocks in your path and troll giggle all the way home to the bank.
This game is rigged very much, The cards are weighted and i’ve worked with systems just like this game has while doing programming for other games. I’ve actually looked up the patents this game uses, its not a conspiracy when its reality.
If you are so stupid that you don’t think they can rig an electronic card game like this then you are naive.
Very very good read. Lots of great links and proof you can read along to.
I’ve been pointing this out for years. I’ve probably said this 20+ times. Never once had a response that made anything that even resembles a logical argument against it.
Another illogical response that makes absolutely no sense. Think about the question and why your answer doesn’t even begin to logically make sense as to why they would even make such a program.
Let me spell it out for you since it’s obvious you aren’t even thinking logically here.
If they made a program that specifically puts you against a counter deck so that you can lose…
then that must logically follow…
…I’ll give you a second to think about it…ready?
…then that must logically follow that the very same program also purposefully puts you against decks that you also counter so that you can win since that is what is happening to your opponent.
Thus, the argument “I keep getting countered” also means that you have to make the argument “I keep playing against my counters” on equal terms.
Now, go look at threads that say “I keep getting countered” compared to the amount of threads that say “I keep playing against my counters”…guess which one of those threads you never see made?
There. I spelled it out for you plain and simple. If you don’t see the problem with your failed logic, you’re then just willfully ignorant of the facts and the logic.
I pity you if you belive that nonsense…
How do you explain realy high win streaks all the way to Legend if the game is out to get you with hardcounters.
I have already done Legend runs from Diamond 5 all the way to Legend with 0 losses…
My highest high streak in ranked is 20 in a row how did i manage that with a “rigged” game???