And Cr1tikal has spoken also

I had been talking before on this forum that devs in blizzard/activision are probably drunk and high all the time and it is funny 'cause I was right…


This is the greatest blizzard lawsuit of all time


you’re right because one of your friends made a video to say you’re right?

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One of my friends?
How much did you drink today?


as much as blizzard lmao.

Trying to get clicks for your friend? I guess he needs more money to pay up his college

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so why did you post a link from someone we’ve never heard of?

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Wait, are you serious? You never watched the hunger games? :man_facepalming:

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how is it related? is this guy an actor from the movies?


Moistcritical is an idiot.
Not on this subject,
Just in general.
He falls into the how is this no talent guy famous lol

Yes because I’m going to care about the opinion of some greasy hair head that only knows about basic family shampoo and never trimmed ends of his hair.


He is the best actor in the history of the universe

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sorry i didn’t see your response, probably due to the many notifications from the reveal season.

Basically this person is a famous youtuber (penguinz0), streamer who did and does a lot of things, like:

  1. acting
  2. singing
  3. collecting yugioh and pokemon cards
  4. writing comics
  5. collecting ******
  6. speedrunner of many games
  7. donating money to small streamers and charity
  8. being jesus
  9. wearing 90% of the time white shirts
  10. host of a podcast
  11. has worldrecords
  12. chess player (trained by GM naroditsky) who mated XQC in 6 moves
  13. inventor of the moistmeter, to rate movies
  14. many other stuff

Famous for meme like “yeah baby, that’s what we have been waiting for!” and “my **** is throobing!”
He is a really nice guy, very appreciated and well known.

For sure his vision on the activision-blizzard case is as relevant as the other hearhstrone streamers if not more (since he doesn’t even play blizzard games); if he is op’s friend is just by chance.

His video are mostly ironic ones, but are great.
He did indeed act in the hunger games, you can find a video where he explains how he ruined a scene :joy: not a main role, just a background scene, but it’s funny to hear how he says things.

All his video descriptions are “This is the greatest … of all time”.

and I have to say: this is the greatest thread of all time

Mod Edit: Removed inappropriate language.


His jokes became stale.

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I dismiss this man’s thoughts on the basis of his hair maintenance!


All aboard the bandwagon! Choo choo!

wow, that’s something a blizzard employee would say about a woman.

Turns out you aren’t much different from them!


Soggy seems more appropriate.

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More appropriate, but embellished.

I don’t know if you said this by accident, but on twitch his emotes have the prefix “sog” that stands for soggy :joy:

and his name is moist critikal :sweat_drops: