An inability to play on mobile

Hearthstone crashes, like requires a full restart and recconect crash, once every three to four games. The time it takes to recconect is effectively two turns, which is a death sentence in all but the most control v control matches.
This is especially painful in arena.

So I can’t play hearthstone effectively on mobile anymore, until this gets patched.


As of a couple weeks ago they were working on a fix with no ETA, guessing there’s still no ETA. Yes, it’s obnoxious :confused:

If this was an issue on the PC version or an issue with buying packs for money, it would be fixed within a few days. It’s incredible a game-breaking bug can go 3 weeks unfixed, during a major event, with no ETA or compensation.

Unfortunately I wouldn’t hold your breath
My IPad Pro after nearly 8 months still doesn’t work at all
Like you cannot play a single game on it without it crashing. Its completely known by Blizzard but they still haven’t fixed it.
If anything any patches where they’ve mentioned fixing it, only made it worse