I just played a couple of games as Priest. Each time I played Aman’thul, I could not do anything anymore. I just had to wait for the end of my turn and then my opponent can play.
I did not wait to see if I can play after that.
I have not seen that bug anywhere in the forum.
I am having the exact same problem, I have lost 4 games now because of this and its really pissing me off
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I’m having the same thing, except with The Primus (DK version). I’ve lost 5 games cos of this and it’s so frustrating. Blizz are happy to take our money but have the buggiest games to exist.
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Yup, same here, 6 times i played it today game froze completely.
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Same here, games locks as soon as i play him. Can’t play any cards on the turn after either.
A me la stessa cosa da qualche giorno mi si blocca e non mi fa continuare non appena gioco la carta in questione Aman thul.