Almost gave up on mage this expansion

Posting this to give a bit of mage love as everybody is saying how bad it is.

I’ve been playing for years and nearly always get annoyed that Mage is often one of the forgotten classes.
I looked over the previews and to be honest didn’t even login on the day of the new release as I knew mage was going to be a dead class.
However, I’ve been trying a few mage tourist combinations and was really surprised how good they were as aggressive decks (ie win by turn 7)
Anyway here’s my SIF Tourist deck (currently at 72% win rate) bizarrely I’ve not actually won with Sif yet as the game is over before it comes into play.

Mage Paladin

Class: Mage

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

2x (1) Flame Geyser

2x (1) Seabreeze Chalice

1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos

2x (2) Cosmic Keyboard

1x (2) Cryopreservation

1x (2) Frostbolt

1x (2) Infinitize the Maxitude

2x (2) Primordial Glyph

2x (2) Void Scripture

1x (3) Buy One, Get One Freeze

2x (3) Darkmoon Magician

2x (3) Lightshow

1x (3) Molten Rune

2x (3) Reverberations

2x (3) Tide Pools

2x (4) Lifeguard

1x (4) Raylla, Sand Sculptor

2x (5) Sleet Skater

1x (6) Sif


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Mages (and others) have said pallies are stacked, broken, favored, etc for years.

Now mage has access to a tiny fraction of pally’s power.

Now, the pally cards this round aren’t the most broken stuff in pallies, but I don’t think people can say they’re bad. They’re quite versatile too. There are small cards for tempo. There is a way to give divine shields for defense. Lifeguard gives lifesteal. Raylla enables combos. etc

Meta is still gonna take time to stabilize. So while there are doom and gloom threads, I wouldn’t stop playing and trying out cards that you like.

Like I just opened HL kurtus from brawl pack, so I went and tried out a few games as HL DH. No it’s not that great, but then I ran the neutral that discovered location from any class. I got the priest one. Proceed to out value highlander warrior (your Marin is now my 1/1 Marin!) and won.

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Mage power level notwithstanding, I still maintain this is not the way the game should be trending.
If every class can do everything, then what is the point?
They should just get rid of classes altogether, and make every card neutral.